Hi Cathe, I've got a couple of your DVD's [Athletic Training Exercise DVD and Slide and Glide Workout DVD] and recently bought a bellicon rebounder. Are you researching or will you produce a rebounding DVD?
me 3 LOL I have chronic ankle joint issues from 3 decades of running. I still do high impact but have to balance with low impact. I would love to do rebounder workouts cathe style
I just got my bellicon gift to self ( gosh the thing was expensive I got the largest one cause of ankle balance issues. I wanted more fall space kwim.
Thanks Linlos for newest post it brought back to my attention its perfect timing for my new purchase. I just got it today and did my first workout I've found all of the old urban rebound extreme workouts online. I've done one and it was "no joke" metabolic sweat fest. I'm loving rebounding!
Hi Cafelattee, I've got a bellicon as well and it's fantastic. I've found all sorts of great rebounding workouts online and am unfamiliar with the urban rebound extreme workouts. I do believe that Cathe would be able to create a fantastic rebound workout that everyone would enjoy.
Yes please! I just bought a Bellicon too and am looking for fun rebounder workouts with good music - does Cathe use rebounders in her gym? Would love to see a rebounder workout from Cathe!