I was looking into the urban rebounder special for $79 and had trouble with their web site. I got frustrated (and impatient!}( ) and bought a rebounder at Sports Authority for $40. I have done cardiokicks,the hi lo portion of MIC, and CTX kickbox on it. I LOVE it! I am able to work at an extemely high intensity on it. The intensity level for me is the highest I've been able to reach with anything else.When I say this I'm comparing it to workouts like IMAX 2,Boot Camp and all the Terminators.Next time I do those they'll seem easier after the way I was able to push my self on the rebounder. It is also a lot of fun. I'm also about to order some rebounder workouts but they're all on vhs, and my set up in my garage is with a dvd player. I'll have to bring the rebounder inside.I would so love it if Cathe came up with a rebounder tape!! Sorry to go on so long. I guess you can tell I'm really excited:7 :7 :7 I'm sure I'll break down and get the UR eventually. I know you will love it!