Rebounder Cathe


How about a REBOUNDER DVD next time? You can really kill us with those!!! You can have lots of fun and with your DVD chaptering and High intensity you can easily oust out competition and corner the market.
I agree, with all the buzz about rebounding, I would really enjoy seeing Cathe put a take on this! She would kick our tails! :0)

I have a very good rebounder and have used it for 4 yrs now..
The tape that came with it is almost worn out..
This would be a great idea.. and fun
>Whats rebounding?

Rebounding is cardio done on a mini-trampoline (rebounder is the fancy name for the higher quality mini-tramps). It's a great way to do high impact cardio without the impact on your joints.

I'd also love to see a Cathe rebounder video! Some of the hi-lo in MIC is perfect on the rebounder with very little modification!

I'm afraid, though, that this won't be a popular request, as many posters here don't like to buy new equipment, and Cathe keeps that in mind.

Maybe in the next batch of workout, there could be ONE DVD with two rebounder workouts on (or some kind of "mix and match" DVD with several 10=15 minute segments that can be put together to make several workouts). That way, there would still be 4 workouts for people who don't want to get a mini tramp, and two for those of us who have them or want to get one.
But once the workout is there I bet they'd buy one anyway. Can anyone really resist a new Cathe workout? Particularly one using a totally completely different thing? If everyone keeps asking for a hi-lo what would the response be to an alternative no impact high intensity one that'll promise saving joints? Cool stuff.

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