really stupid question here....

but i'll ask it anyway. Is that a hair band Cathe wears on her wrist in most of the videos?

Told you it was stupid. ;)

That's so funny - I was just wondering the same thing when I did my workout today - I was thinking it was some kind of elastic band - don't know!
I've noticed that too, in a lot of her tapes and I think MAYBE it is to remind her which side is 'right' since she has to cue backwards? It always seems to be on her left wrist. Maybe that has nothing to do with it but that is what I was thinking...
You're right jillianh!

I remember her saying that before in the Ask Cathe forum. I think she wears it now also for good luck as well.
I think that's a reminder for Cathe that's the right side (OUR right), so she gets the cuing correct (mirror image).


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