Really love the new HIS


I just did HIS for the first time tonight and have been previewing it since I got it because I new that the choreography was going to be tricky and wow it was more fun than the preview. I still have not mastered the third combination you know the spin over the top shuffle pivot thing but for the fist time through I was really working and it was soooo much fun.
My friend and I did it together and we were talking about how Cathe doesn't follow the beat to many of the exercises however on the chest flys I used 30's and there was no way I could have stayed with the beat. That is what I really like about this series is that you can really push yourself. I feel like this series is more focused on strength gains rather than muscle endurance.
Just wanted to say thanks Cathe for such a wonderful job!!!!
I am in agreement with you - I LOVE that Cathe is doing fewer reps and heavier weight! I have been sore for days. }(

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