Really confused about STS?


I just read about the new periodization series. I'm wondering if you could explain briefly. Will we do only one/two body parts for 6 weeks? (That was the confusing part.) Or are, legs, say, the FOCUS of the phase of video, but it covers other body parts as well. These are strength training only, correct? thanks.
You will work every muscle group in your body every week. STS will feature three Phases. Each phase will last either 4 weeks or 8 weeks depending on which plan you choose to follow. Though the main focus of this series is hypertrophy, each phase will focus on a different type of muscular development. Phase 1 – muscle Endurance, Phase 2 – hypertrophy, Phase 3 - strength. STS will take you through a completely planned workout series lasting either 3 months or 6 months in which your workout will vary almost every week. No matter which phase you’re in you will always work every muscle group every week. Just the intensity, volume (sets, reps, weight) and type of exercise will change.
I don't think you need to be "advanced" at all, you just need to use the weights that are right for you (obviously that will be different for everyone, we can't all hail from planet Cathe!). The new workout manager software will help us zero in on what weights we should use for each exercise and when to go heavier, which I am really looking forward to because I'm never sure when to go heavier.
There will not be any cardio with STS. We will be able to use the cardio workouts we already have in combination with it. :)

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