Real stubborn ABs

Suz in NZ

I've been working out 6x per week for about 3 months now and all my workouts have been getting easy ... except for the abs segmentsx(
My youngest child is 8, so it's not like I've just had a baby! I'm not overweight, but this last year my tummy has started to form a wee pouch x( x( (too much time slouching at the PC?!:+ ) It seems that it takes nothing to get the burn in my upper abs, and as far as working out the lower abs is concerned it's like there is no muscle down there to even work out! and because the upper abs burn out so quickly, I don't seem to get very far. Am I doing something wrong? maybe being too impatient? I so want to have flat, washboard abs, but I am so not getting anywhere. HELP!!
Just so happens, this morning during the ab segment of Butts and Guts I remember saying to myself "I'm impressed, after 20+ years of exercising I have never seen my abs look so cut and feel so strong".
I know it's the Cathe workouts.
I have a 5 yr. old daughter I was a faithful exerciser during pregnancy (bicycling)and post-pregnancy (other videos).
But only within the last 2 years since using Cathe workouts have I developed such strong abs.
I'm 42 yr old and I'm so happy with the response to her videos. It has been a long road to reach this goal.
So, I would just say hang in there. You will see results! Stick with it.
Merry Christmas!
How is your diet? I've read that well-defined abs are the result of a good diet, along with exercise of course. It sounds like you're getting plenty of that, however. Take a look at the diet; are you eating clean? If all of those things are in place, then I'd say you may have to be patient, has hard as that can be sometimes.

Where's a smilie with a blushing face! My diet is a bug bear. I actually don't eat very much at all. Not dieting or anything, I just get caught up in life and then realise I have missed a few meals; you know how that goes...then you reach for something instant, which is just about always badx(. I have been getting better with regards to eating 'clean' though. A few months back I started writing down everything I ate each day and I was so mortified with what I saw; that was all the motivation I needed to make changes. I highly recommend that trick.
I guess I have just felt that something is amiss because the rest of my body is toning up so fast yet my abs are stubbornly refusing to do anything.
Hi Suz ,
Your abs sound like my abs and I am also on a quest to gain those elusive washboard abs. With regards to not feeling your lower abs and your upper abs tiring quickly... I think the "trick" is to work your lower abs first with exercises that concentrate on this area like reverse ab curl then move on to regular crunches for upper abs when you feel your lower abs tire. A good lower ab exercise (if you have someone to assist you) is to lie on your back with legs flat on floor and lift them in the air. Then you would have someone push them down towards the floor. You would then lift them again. I hope I explained it O.K.

The transverse abdominals are the 'lower abs' that act as a girdle to keep things in. They are most activated by moves that have you stabilizing the core while moving the arms and legs ("dead bug" moves, where you like on your back, engage your abdominals---cough or laugh to feel the transverse engaging--and move your arms and legs in the air while holding the core engaged) or with isometric moves like planks.

As others have mentioned, losing extra fat (though expending more calories than you take it: watching a clean diet and doing exercise like weight work and cardio that burns calories) is essential.

Another thought: under stress, our bodies release cortisol, which is thought to encourage abdominal weight gain. Not eating enough and overexercising are both sources of stress for the body.

If you want to discuss more with other Catheites, I suggest you post this in the "open discussion" forum so you can get more input.

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