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I am ready to order from
I have a starter collection of Cathe cardio step.
Low Max
Cardio Hits
LIS and Body Fusion and Basic Step
I want to lose 10 (more) pounds. I am 5'4" and 130 down from 170. I also want to challenge myself more and build some more muscle mass.
For cardio I usually jog or do step tapes, varying in length and intensity.
For weight I have been using 2 Gilad Quick Fit tapes for upper body and Tamilee Webb I Want That Body for lower half and a variety of tapes for abs~ each body part 2 times a week.

So I guess I am looking for some new weight workouts to give me variety and also to go with the periodic rotation philosophy I am seeing here on the forums.

Initially, I wanted the Intensity series. I was inspired by Cathe's story I read here somewhere here at But, now I am thinking of the CTX series. Doing one body part a week, but more intensely would be different, plus keeping the workouts to one hour is important to me.
Plus MIS, Power Hour + ?? on one DVD
Plus preorder the new workouts, cuz they are bound to be great and the pre order price is such a deal, right?

That would give me two whole weeks worth of rotations plus some other weight workouts.

BUT, I don't have a barbell yet and I don't have a high step.

Am I biting off more that I can chew intensity wise? Should I skip some of the DVD's until I invest in the equipment?

Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
First of all congrats on the weight loss!! I know I am in the minority but I got MUCH better results with the intensity series than with CTX. You don't need a barbell you can always use free weights instead, but you may want to invest in the high step. I think its a worthwhile investment because Cathe uses it often, both for cardio and leg work. I would also order the new workouts because they are at a great price and you will probably end up buying them anyway. Might as well get them at a great price. I have the vhs of PH and have to say it is one of my favorite workouts. I don't know about the other 2 because I don't have them. The new workout has an updated version of Body Max. ALso BM is a 90 min. workout and PH is 60 min. this makes a difference to me.

If money is an issue, I would get the intensity series, the new workouts and the high step. You won't be sorry. If PH is still available on vhs or BM or MIS on vhs that could be an option to get one of those and save some money. If you're like me(and it seems like alot of others on this site) you will eventually end up with the whole Cathe library!!:)

Good luck and let us know what you decide.

edited to say: You may also want to look into a kickboxing workout, you don't need weights but it is a good full body workout. KPC or KM are both great.
I love MIS and every time I pull it out and do it I think, "Why don't I do this one more often?"
Hello Jody! I am working on the Cathe collection as well I am waiting for my UPS truck as we speak (type). I already have my next order ready. So you will probably end up with all of them too. I love My pyramid lower I have not used my upper yet. Do you like Kickboxing? Does not sound like you have one of those yet with Kick Punch Crunch comes Legs and Glutes. Now lets talk High Step I LOVE IT! Best price was Fitness wholesale plus you get the High Step Circuit DVD with it. I purchased my barbell at Sports Authority for 49.99 it came with 100#'s I think someone told me Walmart was actually cheaper.

Good luck So many to pick from You won't lose any way you look at it.

beth6395 :)
Aaack, my head is swimming with choices. I think y'all are right, don't think of it as getting a few workouts, think of it as getting them all but buying them a few at a time! Too bad just watching Cathe and the crew work out doesn't burn any calories or build mass...I would be buff just from reviewing all the workouts online.

Thanks for the input so far...I will let you know what I end up with.
Man, that Boot Camp DVD from Intensity looks brutal.

Trying a kick boxing workout will push me out of my comfort zone. I just imagine myself flailing around on my back patio...I have always relied on step when it comes to video workouts.

OK, I think I will preorder all of the new DVDs plus the Power Hour+MIS+Bodymax Dvd. That will give me three weight workouts to get started on, plus a whole series to look forward to and in the meantime, I can shop for a barbell and high step. It doesn't make much sense to have anymore of Cathe's workouts until I get the right equipment.
I think next on the list will be the Intensity series.

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