Re: The 23-Pack DVD


Active Member
Does anyone know how long the DVD 23-pack deal will be offered. I plan to buy the 23-pack, but want to get out from under a couple of credit card debts first. About two months. I can hardly wait to purchase the pack, and will go ahead and buy it if the offer is soon to expire. But I really need to pay off a couple of debts.
I don't think there is a time limit on the 23-pack. I believe it's just a quantity discount similar to the VHS discounts.

The 23-pack is exactly the one I am aiming at for when we get a DVD player.
Hi Seed!

I, also don't think there is a time limit like Katerchen said, but you might want to post this question in the "Ask Cathe Forum" to be sure. Chris or someone at SNM will probably reply. Just an idea. I would hate to see you NOT get the 23-Pack for this price! It is GREAT!! (Of course, you KNOW that already!;-))

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Seed!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-02 AT 01:25PM (Est)[/font][p]I just bought a DVD player and can't wait to buy that 23-pack. I've been selling my VHS tapes to help defray the cost a bit. It is a great deal. I figure I'll be able to buy it in August for my birthday! Just need to knock off a few credit card debts, however. I'll buy them in August come hell (or is that hale?) or high water!

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