re: Re-Starting Workouts


New Member
Hello! I have a question about re-starting my workouts after a break. I worked out regularly b4 I got pregnant and even about a month and 1/2 into my pregnancy. When the morning sickness and the "blahs" hit, I quit. I am now 16 wks and want to get started again, but I feel VERY out of shape. Any suggestions on how to safely get started again? I appreciate any advice on the subject!=)
Kathy H
I also had icky morning sickness and felt like a total beginner when getting back into working out. I found that step tapes are easiest to modify for aerobics and then I just use much lighter weights for strength work. I usually don't do more than 30 min. of cardio at a time, and split my strength routines. With the extra weight, walking is also a great workout. It didn't feel the same working out preg, but after a week or two I realized it actually helped me feel better. Just take it easy!
Hi Kathy! Congratulations on your pregnancy.

When starting back into your exercise program, you need to come back slowly and at half the intensity. Start out with only three short non-consecutive cardio workouts and modify the intensity of those workouts so that you stay in the lower end of your training zone(NOTE: when pregnant you should never train in the high end of your training zone, rather stay in the middle).

If you were weight training before you quit exercising, cut back to very light weight for a few weeks and allow your body to get acclimated once again. Now that you are at 16 weeks, you should avoid doing any weight training exercises flat on your back, but rather on an incline.

After about three weeks of this "initiation" period, you can gradually work your way back to what you were doing right before you quit(with the exception of doing anything flat on your back). Keep in mind that your goals should be to cautiously obtain and maintain the level of fitness that you had just before you had to quit. Never push to become super fit while pregnant.

As the weeks progress, you will need to adjust your workouts to accomodate your physical changes (ex: take impact out of moves to discourage unnecessary pressure on the pelvic floor.)

Important things to remember:

1) Stay VERY hydrated at all times, especially during exercise.

2) Take your fitness program day by day and modify on a "workout-to-workout" basis.

3) Discontinue exercising if you feel pain or discomfort.

4) Let your doctor know about your exercise program.

Good Luck with everything!
Andrea and Cathe,
Thank you so much for your replies!!=) I am just getting back into my workouts this week, and I've copied your replies out so I can refer to them often. I'm so excited to get back into it, but wanted to be sure I was doing my best for me AND the baby. Also, Cathe, you mentioned not doing any exercises while lying flat on my back. If you have any suggestions for good ab exercises while pregnant I would really appreciate hearing those ideas. Thanks again!=)
If you haven't already done so, you don't have to send me any info on stomach exercises. I looked in past posts and found one of your very detailed letters on the subject. Hope I caught you in time!=)
Thanks again for the advice!

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