Re: New DVD....


Hi, I was wondering if it is mandatory to have a stability ball for the new dvd. I don't have one yet. Thanks. }(
I'm just guessing based on the photos and my working out with Cathe's tapes for year, but it looks like the stretch workouts (at least 2 of the 3) really rely on the ball.

The strength workout uses the ball as well, but since the ball is used as a bench in the workout, you could substitute with a step bench and high step or chair for most exercises. Some exercises you might have to modify a bit, but it all looks like you could do it without the ball.
I agree with Kathryn that you could probably modify it to work without the ball, but my stability ball was one of my better fitness purchases. (I held off for a long time convinced it's just a stupid ball, what would it do for me). It really works the core in different ways. I did inclined chest presses on it and I'm still feeling my oblieks. You cna pick one up at Target or Walmart for $30.00. If you can make the investment, it's a good one.
It looks to me from the pictures as if the strength workout uses the stability ball, and Cathe's description of the premixes uses the words stability ball a lot! Can you clarify -- it's the stability ball workout with weights that tempts me to pre-order this. Thanks!
I am agree with Writer. If you see the low impact step +total body sculpting pics Cathe's uses the stability ball in the body sculping.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)

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