Re: Kathy S.'s Rotations


Hi everyone!

Somehow, mysteriously, a very old thread from 2001 from me has been resurrected on this Forum, concerning the volumes of Cathe Rotations that I kept in MS Word format back then and e-mailed out as requested. I just wanted to let you all know that I am no longer doing that since our Forum regular Liz (Forum name "gettingthere") set up the Fitness Video Fanatics website. Liz incorporated ALL of my rotations into that website, and it's just a fabulous resource.

So for anyone wishing to see all the rotations that I compiled from 1999 - 2001, check out Liz's website at this link:

Enjoy, everyone, and thanks! Kathy S.
just to add on to Kathy's post, most (not all but most) of the rotations since Kathy did her initial "volume" series have also been postedon I've tried to put in a new rotation a day for the last few months--there are so many & so many different names to them!

Once you chose a rotation, you can create a profile & calendar to track your work.
I think maybe someone did a search for a rotation, and saw your thread thinking it wasn't as old as it was, so they replied. Then it came back to the first page of videoand dvd questions, so other people posted on it as well, all not realizing it was from 2001.
Looks like you emailed out those rotations to A LOT of people!! That's a HUGE amount of replies :)

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