? Re Ab Hits



I know Cathe is busy right now, but somebody in the educated crowd can answer my question. Here it is...

I recently purchased Ab Hits with my pre-order. I have been tacking on ab work after my cardio sessions. I was thinking of adding an ab work on its own, i.e. when I have a little time to spare on weekends (BTW, weekends are my days off). Do I need to warm up prior? Can I do it 'cold'?



I would highly recommend Ab Hits (DVD esp) if you are still on the fence about it. It is soooo nice to have the workout on 1 DVD even though I have almost all of Cathe DVDs. I think it is the best bang for your buck for abs.

I often do ab work by itself but I find if I don't do a few minutes of warmup, I sometimes get some abdominal cramping and can't do the ab workout as well. I usually do some jumping jacks or jogging in place. Just enough to get my heart rate up and it doesn't add that much time.


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