I'm jealous! Don't forget to post a review
Here's my review:
This is a very quick read. The major portion of the book is step-by-step pictures with directions for preparing 16 core recipes, with some suggestions for variations. The recipes are: salad dressing and simple salad (I count that as 2), sprouts and sprouting salad, lgor's live flat bread, soup, cultured vegetables, live garden burger, peroshkis, green smoothies (a few variations listed, but counted as one), nut milk, cranberry scones, raw mango jam, mango jam pie, chocolate cake, mousse cake, chocolate truffles.
The recipes seem a bit lighter on oil than in some of the Boutenkos' previous books.
At times, the simplicity of the directions ("make sure not to cut yourself") make it seem like a "Raw food for dummies" (though that series doesn't really address the reader as a 'dummy').
The cakes, scones, peroshkies and flat bread recipes look good and different enough from other recipes I recall and/or offer some useful tips (I never thought of drying 'crackers' only on one side, without flipping off the Teflex sheet to dry the other side better, to make a flatbread that easily wraps around things).
This would definitely be a good book for a beginner raw fooder, and/or someone who is pretty clueless in the kitchen.