Rant about my houseguests


UGH!! I just have to get this off my chest. I really hate having company. It just throws off my schedule and is a big pain in my butt!! My fiance's sister, husband and baby are visiting. They don't rent a car so one of us is without transportation. My dog is my child, and to be honest I don't really like kids. I hate having to make sure the dog is not too close to the baby. My dog is 85lbs. and can easily knock the baby over or hit him with her tail. Tonight we are going to this magic club 1 hour away. I don't want to be home at midnight only to be a zombie tomorrow at work. They have a strict dress code where women have to wear dressy dresses and I haven't worn a dress a year. The last time I tried getting into one of my dresses was last Valentine's day and none of them fit me anymore. I just hate having to rearrange my schedule and my fiance thinks I am freaking out about nothing. Yeah, he just bought a brand new suit last month!! Ok, rant over.

I'll tell you what my husband does. He just loooves to "not go" when I want to go out or to a party. I know this and I sometimes "let" him not go as a special little gift to him (economical too!) Why not sell this as an opportunity for your spouse to give you something special? That way they'll have a good time and you can get some space, and they'll be happy knowing that you are getting what you want (and you still love them).

I realize you may not be asking for advice, but my own arrangement is new to me and works so well, I thought I'd share!!

Next time (I'm assuming it's too late to suggest this now as they are probably under your roof)- insist they get a motel room and rent their own car. Don't go along with plans that keep you up too late for work. Period. Be firm on this - it will not happen if you don't allow it.

Just Do It! :)
I agree with Honeybunch, but what else is new?! :)

Hubby and I came to a joint agreement a year ago or so that NO ONE is allowed to room with us whether overnight or whatever! If a relative comes to town they already know our house rule, "you can come visit, you can come eat, you can relax all day with us, BUT you gotta get the he@@ out come bedtime!" As the saying goes, "you ain't gotta go home, but you gotta get the he@@ outta here!" And everyone knows this now so they visit with the expectation of calling for accommodations before visiting. I'll even assist by calling around to get the best prices for hotels since I'm local and have the time to do it, but once you put it out there for all to know, it makes it simple! Some won't even visit because they're too cheap to go to a hotel for a weekend, or feel offended that we don't want to put them up, but ask me if I lose sleep about it? Heck, my view on it is, "if you don't visit I don't have to worry about rearranging my workout schedule for you!" Works for me! Besides, I'm not THAT fond of most of our family in the first place! :) Sorry, I guess most of you probably like your family, but for us, this policy works and works well! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Girl, I feel your pain. When I first got married, my inlaws liked to spend weekends w/us (we had a ONE BEDROOM, small apartment, and the inlaws would sleep on our fold out couch). They'd show up unannounced, too. Well, I wasn't raised that way--you don't pop in on someone unless you're invited. I put my foot down. When we bought a house, we got a 2 bedroom, one bathroom place in an urban area. No room for overnight guests, especially since we have three big dogs (no kids). Plus parking is a premium since few folks in my neighborhood have driveways. I don't blame you for feeling stressed. You'll survive, though.
I have a large home and no-one here now days but me and the cats so my family especially my Mom and sister think they need to come stay here at least 4-6 weeks in the summer.

I don't mind my Mom at all she's great. Matter fact she can stay six months outta the year. My sister is the issue. Talk about controlling. OMG!! She would drive a Saint to drink, smoke, murder and swear. That's not the whole problem either. She comes here and leaves her hubby in another state alone for the time she's with me.

I don't know how I'm ever gonna do it but I think this year I just have to tell her that the fights on the phone long distance with her now 3rd husband many times a day every day are just too much for me and my Mom. She just can't stay as long. A week is gonna have to be it. It's gonna be really hard for me to do this but I have gotta cause she near drove us insane with it all last year. The hubby was calling here bright and early of the morning and late at night drunk and just pitching a fit over her being away. I can't live with it another year.

Not only all that she is just full of near demands that I change my housekeepping, food plan, laundry schedule, how I grocery shop, my hair color, and on it goes.

Edith who can't take another summer of this S*@$
Miss Edith, your sis, too, can get a motel. She has no right to make demands on you in your house. She has taught you how to treat her, and I must ask, "How's that workin' for you?"

Just Do It! :)
Well, who should know better then yours truly.I don;t know if anyone remebers me ranting a while back about my family living with me.
My mom called me one day last week and wanted to know if it was o.k for my aunt to stay with me while her husband was in the hospital.I said sure.I can only imagine how mad my mom would of been if I had said no.I don't really mind though b/c she goes to the hospital all day long and doesn't come back until 9:30.She has been here since Thursday.We take her back and forth to the hospital.But she eats at the hospital.
Now today,my other family members are back.My brother and father are here once again, for another week.Of course no one is really getting on my nerves yet but I am sure they will.
My mom owns a Bed and Breakfast and I said to her last night that I think people are confussed.They obviously think that this place is a bed and breakfast and not hers.
All I can say is I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!!!
Oh Honeybunch, she can't afford a motel, never worked a day in her life LOL. GOD maybe I'll pay for one for just a week. Well at least I am going to establish a week limit on her from now on period.

My Mom is fine.

Next time your sister wants to stay, you could fib a little and tell her that you'd love to see her, but your cats have all come down with a bout of vomiting and explosive diahrea (sp?), so it would be safer if she stayed in a hotel.
get rid of the spare bed!

Thats my advice!!

My relatives can take over my own house if I let them.. And let me tell you, it is nice to visit with them-- but not if I know that I will have to live and breath with them for a week! UGH!

I hate it too because I really value my privacy. SO all I can tell you is to fill that spare bedroom up with a treadmill or something-- then if someone wants to spend the night you simply say-- OH, SORRY! We don't have a spare bed! But you are WELCOME to sleep on the floor! LOL!!
OH Kathryn that's too funny but won't work, my Mom will be here and she'll know that's not true. Since Mom was nun b4 she married Dad and inherited all us kids she won't fib.

Very nice try however, I like it.

RE: get rid of the spare bed!

I firmly agree with the no spare bed idea! I have room in my house (2 spare bedrooms, one of which is an office) but no bed - a Futon, yes, but no bed. There will NEVER be a spare bed unless I get to the point where I rent out a room and roomie can bring their own bed.

These relatives are just amazing. They would rant and scream and be totally appalled if ya'll would treat them the way they treat you!

They need to be reminded of my version of the Golden Rule - In the form of a question: HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF I DID THAT TO YOU???????!!!!!!!!!

Just Do It! :)

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