Ramp --- anyone?


I just looked up the Ramp online and it looks very interesting. Does anybody have it? What are your reviews before I decide to buy it or not.

Thanks, Marcia :)
I don't have one yet, but will be purchasing one. I may get the new Firm kit with their version of a ramp, instead of the official ramp. There are two reasons why I'm buying one: it works the glutes and hamstrings more so than the quads, and I really need that. Secondly, an article in "Arthritis Today" recommended it highly as a low-impact form of cardio. Years of dancing has caught up with my knees and ankles so I'm willing to buy anything that will help keep me in shape but not hurt my joints.
Hi Everyone!

Bobbi: I found two short Ramping clips. The first is a 2 minute infomercial clip at http://www.ramptv.com/homepage.asp ---just click one of the links below the pic on the left. The second is at http://www.ginmiller.com/gmf04/ramp.htm ---scroll down the page to where it says "Download a short clip from the Ramping™ Promo CD."

Marcia: You and I must be on the same wavelength. Last night I was working late on the computer and "Ramping" popped into my head. I went to the web site and almost ordered it at 2 AM. This morning I thought I would search the Cathe forums for more info and low and behold there was your post right on top. Should I consider this a sign?! :7

I need a different form of cardio. I don't like hi/lo, I'm a spaz at kickboxing, and although I love stepping, it is kinda hard on my knees . I am worried that the cardio workout that comes with the basic Ramping system will be too short and not intense enough. If you upgrade to the Deluxe system you can get 3 more cardio workouts that seem like they might be harder. However QVC sells the basic system for $49 and $8 shipping. I know if I buy the deluxe set from Goodtimes it will be over $100 with the S/H and I won't get it for weeks. I'll probably get it from QVC today.

What do you think about the intensity of the cardio?

FirmDancer: Thanks for the info from Arthritis Today. I am thinking about getting the new Firm system as well. I wasn't planning on buying the BSS3 but this one seems different. The only thing I don't like about it is their "box." It seems cheap and flimsy. According to Collage, "Due to Firm Box manufacturing problems, this set's release has been delayed" ---that makes me even more suspicious. I might wait until the the videos are available seperately, but the clips look good!

Thank you so much, Frankie. That was exactly what I was looking for. I am most definitely interested since low impact/ hi intenisty is high on my priority list because of my old lady feet! LOL! Please let me know what you think of it if you get it. Then all I need to do is convince my husband I need more exercise equipment!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"
Hi Frankie,
Just to let you know, the early news on the firmdirect.com forum is that people are liking the new box/ramp and saying it's very sturdy (to their surprise). Also, there was mention that the collagevideo.com comment about box manufacturing problems has more to do with getting "enough" of them made to ship to all the preorders and future orders rather than actual box/ramp faulty issues. That's just what I have heard on the ya ya forum and firmdirect forum, haven't tried it for myself.
I got the Ramp from QVC and like it (music and moves), but the workouts aren't long enough or intense enough for me. Are the extra workouts with the Deluxe edition available separately? I'd by more workouts in a heart beat if I could find them.
Hi Again!

lwseymour: Thanks for the info on the Firm's Box. I am glad to hear it! The workouts do look good to me and it is usually a better deal to buy the whole package verses just buying the videos. I was thinking of getting the Super Step because it can easily be converted to an incline bench/ramp, but maybe the "Box" will suffice. :)

dsmiller: Thanks for the review...I had a feeling the intensity of the basic workouts would be low. I did some searching around and found out the tapes are only 40 minutes. I called Ramp customer service and they said that the extra (deluxe) workouts are not available seperately. No word on when or if they will be. I have not found them on Collage or anywhere else on the web. I know that Gin Miller and other instuctors teach "Ramping It Up" classes which I think will be closer to the intensity we are looking for. I am still on the fence about ordering until I can figure out how to get the extra workouts. Tomorrow I will call Collage to see if they have any information as to when these extra workouts might be released. I have a bee in my bonnet. ;-)


Glad you got to see the clips, Bobbi.

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