R U debating whether or not to get CTX?


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-02 AT 08:00AM (Est)[/font][p]Well stop! DON'T-DON'T-DON'T put it off a second more! :)
I did my first week of CTX last week and was worried that 30min of cardio may hurt my weight loss efforts since I normally did 45-60min, plus, I had some BAD eating days since Valentine's Day~my hubby was on a "wine me and dine me fest?" Me thinks he was just tired of "clean eating" as EVERYTHING he ordered over the past 4 days has been breaded and deep fried, and although I tried to eat as clean as I could when eating out, by Sunday I was so far off my target calorie intake I said, "well, this week is down the crapper!" and just ate whatever I felt like yesterday, even popping 5 truffles in my mouth like they were dietetic candies or something last night!
Got up this morning to do my once/week Monday morning weigh-in, totally expecting the scale NOT to move, I don't worry about gaining weight (I didn't overeat THAT much), but I was POSITIVE I hadn't loss a pound due to overeating by 1900 calories for the week.
SURPRISE! I had lost 2lbs :) And I can only contribute it to CTX! I'm thinking the intensity of those 30min workouts, followed by weights must have kicked up my metabolism, because I was too amazed that I still lost weight last week with the horrible eating I did the last 4 days!
So if in doubt about CTX, don't! Not only is it a fun series with the cardio variety (I love the kickbox format!), but it is clearly an effective workout as well! I am hooked~I thought I couldn't love anything as much as S&H, but CTX RULES!
Shoot~if I hadn't blown it on the eating my big a** might have lost 3-4lbs last week!
But hey~I'm not complaining, because I chowed down like crazy, and the truffles, I cannot believe I popped those things one after another like some chocolate junkie last night! Bad Donna!
But any workout that can counteract calories like that gets "2 thumbs up, a snap and a clap!" :)
Good for you Donna! I remember reading on this forum that sometimes a shake-up, even a preceived 'bad' shake-up from the usual routine will produce positive results.I think Cathe referred to it as 'shocking your system.' Keep posting, your a hoot to read.
Congratulations on that great surprise.
Those short cardios are very deceptive! I can't rave enough about CTX, and do so every chance I get. I have to force myself to do anything else. After all, this is the concept that Cathe used to get back in shape after young Eric was born.

Next week I am back on CTX for 3 weeks and I can't wait!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-02 AT 05:02PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,
How hard is the choreography in this series? I heard she doesn't break it down much...I can do Powermax, struggle a bit with the last step portion of circuit Max...can do Cardio kicks.
I need to lose about 20 lbs and want nice arms...would rotating CTX with S&H do the trick?
How much space does it need? Not as much as cardio kicks I hope?
I've been wanting to get CTX for so long, but kept putting it off as I was planning on getting a DVD player at some point. Well, I got one for Christmas, so now I can hardly wait to get it. Thanks for the reminder, reading all this has made me want to get it NOW!! hee hee!
Hi Kiwi, speaking as one of the "choreography challenged" I can say that most of it is really easy to learn. The kickbox format is probably the easiest (choreo-wise),and most of the others look like I'll have the footwork down in the next few workouts. The most challenging choreography for me is in the one titled "All Step". At this point, I kinda just keep moving and watching Cathe and trying to take in the moves mentally, cause physically ain't happening yet. But in my opinion, other than that 1 step tape, the rest are very easy to pick up, and Cathe does break routines down, just not as slowly.
But it's a great series, and so much fun!
I'm getting that series next. I have never stepped before but I got Interval Max last week and a step and I picked it up after about 2 tries. Is that ever fun! I love Interval Max. I want to do it every day.
Let me also add that CTX is so versatile that it can be mixed and matched with itself and with other workouts/series. I've used it in comination with the PS series. I have combined the weight sections to 'create' a push-pull routine. I have used the cardio sections by themselves on a day when I didn't have much time. I have used the cardio sections tacked on to another workout that I was learning (when I didn't feel that I had really had a workout because I was rewinding so much)

The DVD's are FANTASTIC and make the combining easier. The DVD even offers a combined upper body weight routine taken from the CTX segments.

If you are even thinking of getting a dvd player, do it NOW and get CTX on DVD!! (then get everything else Cathe has on DVD :>)

I agree...GET CTX, GET a dvd player, GET all of Cathe's dvds, GET more truffles...OOOPS...SCRATCH the last one!!! LOL
Hey Donna! LOL! Another great thread. I agree CTX is great! I'm using LL once a week and kickbox format once or twice as cardio depending if I'm in the mood to do Cardio Kicks or not. This week I'm trying to learn the cardio portions of 10-10-10 and Step and Intervals so I can use them as cardio with the PS series and I'm going to do that for a couple of weeks till I hit a plateau. And then I'm rotating S&H for 2 weeks and I will use CTX's short cardios with this series. I can't stop talking about CTX. It's great. I remember I wasn't sure if should get it or not. I honestly bought it because of the LL video. But now I can't stop talking about it. As soon as I'm done with my PS and S&H rotations I'm going on a 3 week CTX rotation training my bodyparts twice a week. I'm so psyched.

My body has changed soooooo much since I got all these videos. Cross training is the key. Today I wore super low slim fit jeans can you believe it??? I'm still a pear lol there's not a lot you can do about that but my waist is soooo tiny and I can show my tummy now so I don't care about my hips anymore. I'll keep mixing and matching my Cathe videos and crossing my fingers so I can lose a couple of inches off my hips. OH and hoping to run my first 10K soon:D!!!!
Donna - I LOVE YOUR POSTS!!! "two thumbs up, a snap, and a clap" !!!!! Love this!!!

You go girl! I agree, this series is great. I'm not a rotation person, so I mix & match like crazy. I'm doing LL and Imax once a week as part of my training for some upcoming races, but I'm also doing S/H for weights. But that's why I love cathe - so versatile! I think Step & Intervals is really tough too. And I totally love the shoulder workout from All Step, I do that instead of S/H sometimes just to shake things up.

Thanks for this afternoon's smile Donna!! :7

This is the very first Cathe DVD I bought. I eyeballed it for awhile. I even planned the ordering and receiving at a time when the DH wasn't going to be here when the mail came.

I've been doing it for about 3 weeks now with S&H and all I can say is WOW! All Step still has me tripping over myself, but I must confess, I've only done this once before (as I smack my hands for being a bad girl). I love the Kick box and 10-10-10 though!
Yeah, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE kickbox and 10-10-10, and I even really like power circuit and step & intervals, but all step makes me feel like my feet are 15in long and both left feet! I had to kick it out of my rotation because my heart rate was coming down every time I'd stop and go, "what? what the he-- was that?" so I replaced it with cardio kicks.
I'll return to it someday~when I'm not a choreographically challenged!
But this series RULES!
I'm still debating--I want these but I've heard the impact level is pretty high and I have to baby my knees these days. Any advice on that aspect of them for me? I'm able to do some impact on the step but not much on the floor and Hi-Lo and weighted lunges cause me real problems. Thanks! --Karen

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