QVC the works video?


New Member
Hi !
I just saw that QVC was offering a works dvd for a good price - has anyone used it? Is it good for a beginner? Is it very choreography heavy or just basic?

I got it, and have not used it yet, but DID preview it. It seems like it's a good workout with different levels. I consider myself advanced, but I know I'll be challenged by it.

The choreography does not seem too tough.

This was a MAJOR good deal, by the way. It was about $20.00 with the shipping.

You can select different workouts -HiLo, Step, Bootcamp, Kickbox, Boxing, and I forget what all. So you select a warm-up in whatever format, than 2 cardios, and a cool down.

I was pleased with it.

Just Do It! :)
I ordered it, but haven't received it yet. I figured there would be enough on it to make it worthwhile (and I'm more apt to buy a workout if it's on DVD than a new video). The preview clips they showed on QVC make it look very adaptable.

Now, wouldn't it be great if Cathe's next workouts included a DVD with this kind of set-up? I already made the suggestion.
Sounds interesting! Who is the instructor and can someone provide an item # ? Thanks! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
hi honeybunch1,
I saw the works video on qvc's website last week, and I went on this week but can't seem to find it. Maybe it wasn't selling well so they took it off, how long ago did you order the video?$20 is an awesome price for a dvd like that. Did the dvd come in a set or is it just one?
hi francine,
I saw the video on qvc's website last weekend, but of course now when I go online I can't seem to find it. It looked like a great combo of stuff for only $20 - but I'm still looking - if anyone can find it let me know.
The QVC number for The Works Fitness DVD with 1,024 Cardio Workouts is F5068. I tried to access the number online, but it says you must call and talk to a customer service rep. Maybe they're out of stock and waitlisted. The instructor is Sharon Mann, a four-time Canadian Aerobic Champ according to the bio included with the DVD. Just tried the hi/lo and kickboxing yesterday and got a good workout. I felt like I wanted more than just the 2 aerobic segments, but it's easy to program in another workout and keep on going. I'm 51 with knee problems, but I'm also an advanced exerciser, and I worked up a sweat. The choreography isn't difficult, but it's great for a small space. The insert says there are Yoga/Pilates and Bodysculpting versions of The Works DVDs available, but I don't think they were available on QVC yet. Well worth the money.

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