Quick Terminator Question!!!


From the description of the Terminator DVD it seems to be a circuit kind of workout. Are there any premixes with just cardio?
I'm not a circuit fan....

Thank you!!!!

Imax Extreme is pretty much and all cardio workout, although it does include the compound upper/lower body exercises from Cardio and Weights, but these are light upper body, quick, and keep your heartrate up (there is only 4 of them in the whole workout). Otherwise, the Gauntlet and the Viper are more traditional circuit workouts, but they are AWESOME!, challenging, so you might give them a try.
there are no premixes on this compilation dvd.

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
You can easily make a cardio workout out of The Terminator (thanks to Annette for this idea!) This is one of my all-time favorite Cathe workouts!

Do the warm up and then the first Imax interval. During the recovery, fast forward to the Boot Camp cardio section. You will need to hit the 'next chapter' button four times so that you end up on chapter '5'. As soon as the Boot Camp cardio is over, you then go right into the next Imax cardio. Once that's over, simply hit the 'next chapter' button four times. This is much easier than it sounds. The Boot Camp cardios always show up as chapters ending in '5' or '0' so they're pretty easy to find. Try it!
You can also program your dvd player to play a series of chapters like a premix. I don't own the Imax 2 dvd, but I can program the title and chapters from the Terminator DVD and it plays just like if I had the Imax 2 dvd. Does that make sense? That way you could choose all cardio sections. I printed out the title and chapter numbers from this website somewhere---but they've changed it now, so you might have to search around.

But, like someone said above, these circuits are very cardio intense. They're great.

Hi There,

I actually think that your money might be better spent on another DVD if you do not like circuit-type workouts. As much as I love the Terminator DVD, I really think all three workouts on this DVD are circuit-type workouts, and it would take some effort on your part to make it a "cardio only" workout.

Do you have lomax? GREAT cardio workout! Do you have KPC? Another GREAT cardio kickboxing workout! Also, the S,P,J,/Stepblast DVD has premixes that are cardio-only, and 1 of them is 90 minutes long!!

Good luck!

Imax Extreme is my favorite of these 3 workouts. I make it pure cardio by just skipping through the compound weights segments. By doing that it is a killer!!

The other 2 workouts are harder to modify like that.

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