Questions for Ectochicks


I posted a question on 9 April to Cathe entitled, "Skinny as a Rail but Flabby Abs." I received two replies from people with similar concerns but have yet to hear from Cathe. I've been working out since 1987 (mostly Firm, till Cathe 1 1/2 yrs ago). I do weights 2-3x/wk, cardio 2-3x/wk, plus power yoga and a little pilates. After doing a search for "ectos," I came upon an interesting thread started by Amadeus in July of 2002 where it seemed all respondants had my body type! (I'm 5'9", 125 lbs.) I know that I'm an ecto, (hard-gainer) but I didn't realize a classic "symptom" of this body type included flabby abs. Anyway, since this has always been a problem for me (even prior to having 3 children), my questions are: 1) Have any of you had any luck reducing fat on and firming up your midsection? 2) If so, how did you do it and did you get thinner elsewhere? (something I don't want!) 3) How do you eat? I eat three large meals a day, snacking healthily in between. I almost always have a bowl of ice cream at night or something else sweet. I find that if I don't do this, I lose weight. I've read about increasing healthy caloric intake while keeping your diet clean, but that seems like it would mean eating even more. I'm an "everything in moderation" person and since I'm already too thin, I don't feel I need to deprive myself. Thanks in advance for any help!
Hi Susan,

When I read the "bowl of ice cream" almost every night, it made me think of a recent thread about abdominal bloating. This is a common problem for folks that are otherwise slim. Dairy is a common offender. You may want to check out the discussion:

Regarding keeping your weight up, there are other alternatives that might be healthier choices. A few that come to mind are peanut butter and other nut butters, olive oil and avacados.

Hope this helps,


re:firming up the midsecion. I swear that 8 months of constant training with the abs sections from MIS, CTX All Step, Power Hour, say 3 or 4 times a week really tightened this area for me and allowed me to see muscle ripples where before I had only seen 2-children-later-mush. Then from Xmas onwards working with the new core work from Cardio & Weights and PUB has continued the tightening and shaped the obliques too. I am an ecto, 5'8'' tall, only weighed 120 last Spring, but at my recent doctor's visit I weighed in at 132 pounds and I can say that it is all muscle gain because i can see it. I have been working out with Cathe with MIS and Power hour and PS legs from last Jan 2002 to Christmas, and since Christmas lots of PUB, PLB and I have changed the shape of my upper body, gradually putting on some muscle and definition. I was skinny as a rail beforehand too, and I'm still not Cathe, but looking better!

I don't starve myself, I eat cookies or chocolate every night as I work or grade papers, so I would say if you want your bowl of ice cream I see no reason why not.

I think the changing my focus to a little less cardio --I was a cardio junkie-- and more strength training has gradually changed my body composition and taken some of the fat from the abs area very gradually. This would be my reccomendation to you, rather than dieting, which you don't need.

Thanks for your responses! I don't think my problem is bloating because my abs have always been notoriously weak, even after working out for as long as I have been. I have always had to modify Cathe's ab work. I began to notice some firming up after starting yoga, and Cathe's core work from the Intensities (modified, of course!) seems to be helping. Maybe I need to be more patient. Angela and Clare, do you have a history of abdominal weakness (not just flabbiness) and has your strength improved there? Do you modify most of Cathe's ab work? Thanks again for your responses!

I had to modify Cathe's ab work, say from MIS ,right at the beginning, for the first 2 months. Now I can do the whole lot straight through so I am much stronger. I can do most of the work from the new I series, and keep pace with Cathe for most, but I slow it down where I need to, and give myself more time to set up each new move than she allows, so I have my finger on rewind a lot during this new ab work. The only thing I do not do is the pikes on the ball, I am scared of losing balance and falling on my face and smashing my glasses into my face. I don't feel that I am in any way diminished as a person for choosing not to do this move and it is not an ambition of mine in life, so i don't care!

Glad to see this thread! One of my goals for this week is to work on my lower abs more. I traded away Cardio & Weights, which I thought had a great ab section but I didn't care the workout but I did write down what the ab work was and plan to incorporate that into my schedule this week.

Susan, I've always thought that after having my 3, that flat abs were no longer an option but then recently I thought that it's not an option if I don't try. So I'm going for it! :7 Best wishes to both of us!

You know I have a problem consuming enough calories too so that I can maintain my weight! So I ease in a few protein shakes a day and at 2 of my breaks during the day I eat one half of a meal replacement bar with that shake. Try eating more fresh fruit at one of your meals or mini meals. I buy the bags of frozen fruit and measure out 1 cup or more to snack on at work. It doesn't ruin my appetite for lunch either.

I thought that maybe you were experiencing bloating when you mentioned having a bowl of ice cream every evening. It would surely have me looking very bloaty that night and the next morning.

Hope you find a plan that works for you!
Hey Susan,

There's a great article on ab work in the May/June M&F Hers called "Beyond the Crunch" on page 32. It gives a giant set routine of seven unique core exercises. May be worth a look.

Going to Borders to grab a copy! Thanks for the info Angela! :) I am trying to focus a bit more on core work!

This will do it, girlfriend. It looks tough. 'Course this is coming from someone who still can't do the pikes on the stability ball...

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