

This might have been addressed before, but I'll ask again! In Meso #1, my 1RM for Barbell Rows is 47#'s (60% 1RM)in the Workout Manager. I looked ahead and in Meso 3 my 1RM for Barbell Rows is the same, 47#'s (85% 1RM). Is this correct? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
Lisa in Louisiana
Many exercises are used throughout all three mesocycles. Once you know your 1RM for an exercise you can easily determine the weight you should use for any Intensity level and mesocycle. As long as you use our Workout manager the weight you should use for every mesocycle will automatically be calculated for you.

In your example if your 1RM for Barbell Rows was 50 lbs you would use 30 lbs for barbell rows in meso #1 (60% of your 1RM) and 42 lbs for Barbell Rows (85% of your 1RM) in meso #3.
This might have been addressed before, but I'll ask again! In Meso #1, my 1RM for Barbell Rows is 47#'s (60% 1RM)in the Workout Manager. I looked ahead and in Meso 3 my 1RM for Barbell Rows is the same, 47#'s (85% 1RM). Is this correct? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
Lisa in Louisiana
If your 1Rm is 47, then your 60% of 1Rm would be around 28# and your 85% of 1RM would be around 46#.
1RM = 1 rep max (the maximum amount you could--theoretically--lift for 1 rep).

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