Question regarding your fitness


Hi Cathe: I was wondering~Do you feel as though you are in the best physical shape ever? Looking at all your videos I'd have to say you look at your best at this time. You're a lean mean workout machine.~Linda~
Hi Linda! Definitely. It was my goal to kick my butt for my 40th B-day but now I am on a roll and shooting for higher goals....bring it on ;-)

Thank you for your kind words Linda!
Cathe looks like you did a great job kicking your butt. I recently turned 48 and would like to lose about 9pds. I ordered a few of your Hardcore videos and I'm going to kick my butt too!~Linda~
>Hi Linda! Definitely. It was my goal to kick my butt for my
>40th B-day but now I am on a roll and shooting for higher
>goals....bring it on ;-)

Hi Cathe!! Im so glad to hear that your shooting for higher goals:) Does this mean that I'll be an old wrinkly lady doing your videos?, LOL.
Does this mean that I'll be an old wrinkly lady doing
>your videos?, LOL.

"Denture max"?
"Wrinkle max"?
> Does this mean that I'll be an old wrinkly lady doing
>>your videos?, LOL.
>"Denture max"?
>"Wrinkle max"?

But definitely not "Girdle Max"!!!!:eek:

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