question regarding video tapes


Hi ladies,

I mainly lurk around here and this is only the second time i've posted, however you ladies seem so helpful so i thought i'd try again.

I currently have the pure strength series and the pyramid there any valid reasons for me to obtain the s& h series? I don't want to have repeats of videos. I am looking to lower my bodyfat% and obtain more muscles?

Thanks in advance for your responses:)
Just as PS and the Pyramids are different from each other, so is S&H. I LOVE S&H upper body (though I prefer PLB for lower body). While many of the exercises are similar (there are just so many chest exercises you can do at home, for example), the pacing is very different. The 2-count-down, 6 count-up reps (which I often play with) allow you to go nice and heavy, as does the 1-minute rest between sets.

I like to do a 3-count-down/5 count up or 5-count-down/3 count up rep, often doing a 4/4 rep for shoulders. The long/slow sets in S&H allow you to do this.

I've never tried Slow & Heavy, but from what I know, it's something you'd use to break a plateau. You'd incorporate into a shorter rotation, whereas you'd probably use PS or PUB/PLB for a longer time period.


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