Question re: packaging for new series

aqua girl

I know this is like "putting the cart before the horse" , but do you all have any possible idea at this point how you are going to package the new 8 dvds series? For example, do you know if it will come in a multi-disc case, (like Lite, Ice, etc.) or separate individual cases, or a different case (like STS 2). I have been looking at my huge (and I mean HUGE) dvd collection, and trying to figure where they will go.... and planning ahead. It would be helpful to know what I would be dealing with and how to arrange or re-arrange as the case may be.
Kellyro77 is correct, XTrain is in a 10 disc case, there are 9 dvds in the series, so there
is an empty space in the case…. XTrain Ride was a bonus dvd, in a separate case. I have kept it that way…although I guess you could put the Ride dvd in with the rest of
the Xtrains.
Thanks! So it appears that past series came in a multi-case. The 2023 workouts were not a series, so they got their own cases, as did the 2013 separate workouts.

BTW, I like having the spin dvds in their own cases ... we have them on a separate wall shelf by the bikes :).
I know this is like "putting the cart before the horse" , but do you all have any possible idea at this point how you are going to package the new 8 dvds series? For example, do you know if it will come in a multi-disc case, (like Lite, Ice, etc.) or separate individual cases, or a different case (like STS 2). I have been looking at my huge (and I mean HUGE) dvd collection, and trying to figure where they will go.... and planning ahead. It would be helpful to know what I would be dealing with and how to arrange or re-arrange as the case may be.
Hi aqua girl,

We haven't made any decision on the bundle case at this time, but the bundle will be sold in some type of a case that holds all of the DVDs. There are not a lot of companies manufacturing multi-pack DVD cases nowadays, so we will have to see what is available.
like having the spin dvds in their own cases
I do too, but……if the new set will be a multi case, then I may move XTrain Ride to the
Xtrain set case, and Cycle Max with the Low Impact Series from the separate case to
the Low Impact Series case, cause I think there’s an extra space in there and that will
free up a space for the new series if in a multi case. If there are 8 separate cases, then
I found a little 8 space dvd wire stand that I can use. But being separate…. I doubt it.
if they are in a case like STS 2, then I will need to buy a multi disc case. That’s why
I asked, need to get this important issue solved. “Be Prepared!”
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I really like the zippered case :) I didn't think I would, but I do. Makes it so much easier to transfer my set to my workout room and just choose the workout I'm doing that day. Especially if I'm doing a rotation that combines two or more series. I'm hoping for a zippered case :)
Glad to know others are like me! I put a lot of thought into how I organize my DVDs and how to deal with the "bundles" that come in a multi-case. Then I leave a space for them once it is announced how the packaging will arrive. And I get so excited when I get to fill that space with the actual products.

It is the little things.......
Glad to know others are like me! I put a lot of thought into how I organize my DVDs and how to deal with the "bundles" that come in a multi-case. Then I leave a space for them once it is announced how the packaging will arrive. And I get so excited when I get to fill that space with the actual products.

It is the little things.......
That's exactly what I do too! So many Cathe dvds, I am running out of room, but some
how I always find a "space"! I think I have it figured out for a "multi-case", whether these
come that way or I have to get one, either order it or find a way with what I have....I think
I have that covered too, meaning I think I found a multi-case, but it's been so long ago,
I'm not sure! LOL!
Yay! I found the 8 disc case that I got ready for these, in case they’re not in a regular
multi case….and I remembered that I will take 2 of the cycling dvds that were part
of a set, but in an individual case and put them in the series bundle cases instead,
(two of them have an extra slot) and that will free up the space for a multi case! I rarely
use the cycle dvds anyway!

I knew I was on it back in February, :), but forgot since it’s been so long…….

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