Question re: nausea and over-exertion


My daughter does Cathe workouts and mentioned that last week when she did MIC, she suddenly became nauseous and light-headed. She had to stop before the step portion. Do you have any tips, i.e., gatorade, etc. that can help her? Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks,
Obviously I'm not Cathe but I felt the need to reply since I just studied hydration in my Exercise Physiology class. She should drink water before her workouts (at least 20oz 2hrs before a workout) and she should continue to drink throughout the workout (8oz every 15 minutes). Gatorade is good if she's working hard and sweating a lot, otherwise water is the better choice. She should aim for 80oz in a day with a workout.

She's not working out on an empty stomach, is she? That could also lead to nausea and light-headedness.
If I am working out extremely hard, usually when I do BFL HIIT program I do feel nauseaus the when I either go up in speed or incline. I just slow down and go at a slower pace until the feeling subsides. I only drink water during my workout and usually do it on an empty stomach. No other workouts have done this to me so I am guessing it is just the overexertion.

Classic signs of over-exertion. However, I disagree that just drinking extra liquids is the only solution. Sounds like she is trying to do too much too soon before her body is ready. I think she should reign in her determination and enthusiasm just a little here! If she is somewhat new or new to Cathe's workouts, she just needs to work up to the full blown thing more slowly. Doing just the hi/lo portion of that workout is ample sufficiency on the cardio front for one day INMO!

Rest up and come back another day for a further round in the ring with Cathe!

It may be also that she's not varying her intensity at all, if she's quite used to working out with Cathe. So if she really gunned it every other day of this week already, perhaps all she needs is to take down the intensity for a couple of days. Maybe walk, swim, a bike ride, play at the gym/park with friends, yoga, stretch tape, etc.

Good thinking Clare, I wasn't thinking over-exertion as a possibility because I didn't get from her post that her daughter is young or new to exercise. I know when I did bootcamp the first few times I experienced waves of nausea :)

Ditto to Clare's post;)
The first time I started to lift weights, back in HS. I experienced the nausea. It was due to over exertion as was stated previously. To be more precise, it has to do with breathing. She might be breathing too fast. She might need to learn control with her breathing. As for
light headedness, this too is over exertion, blood rushing away from brain. I suggest to slow down and use controlled breathing. As for water, if alredy experiencing that nausea feeling water might just make you more ill. Watch weightlifters in a gymn, watch the breathing.
Watch the sprinters in track, after the race it's walk it off and breathe.:)
I actually had this happen last month and I just had to stop, take a breather doing L&G my hubby says it was probably because I had not been drinking enough water during the week. I have been trying to drink as much water as I do during the warm weather months and it has helped me. I don't bother with gatorade as plain old water does the trick plus I'm not training for a marathon.

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