Question on Lowends....?


How do you all get thru them? How do you get past the burnpain and keep doing them? I hate the lowends......but then I feel good because I know my muscle are being worked......any thoughts...
When I saw your topic I wanted to just come in & say YES THEY HURT!!! A year after doing Cathe tapes, they still hurt!!! LOL

I decided to start really light--5 lb dumbbells & just keep at it until I could do all of them. Really a year later, I'm still crying about half way through but I think (THINK) that next time I do them I'll be going up in weight to 8 lbs.
When you find your form slipping, or they are just getting too hard to do, you might want to slow them down for a few reps, going with a 2-up/2-down pace instead of the 1-up/1-down pace on some workouts, for example.
I simply don't do them all. I usually do every other one and sometimes even that's too much. I just do what I can and try to improve each time.

I can't do all of them either. The calf of the back leg really burns. And the quad on the front leg. Ouch. Cathe keeps saying, "you're gonna make it." Sorry, but I didn't make it. Maybe one of these days I will!
Don't get so down on the low ends. The only reason you can't do them all is because you use heavier weight for the other sets. If you used no weight throughout, you would probably be able to do them all. I know that is what gets me. Not so much the low-ends, but the poundages I was using before the low know what I mean???

And yeah, they are a b&%$h!!!

Hi Krista :)
Them low-ends are evil, aren't they? They still hurt me, too and I've had the workout for over a year now. I usually grit my teeth and close my eyes. That seems to help. I'm not sure why. Thank goodness no one sees me when I workout. lol! I always feel like I've accomplished something great after doing that workout. It's a mutha!

One thing I did notice lately is that the workout has been less painful since I added PLB into my rotation. I was able to up my barbell in LL and it did feel a tad bit less painful. Yeah! Of course the burn is still there, but I feel like I've made some great progress.


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