question on choosing a series

I was wondering is there a series better for weight loss than the others. Are all the series equally good for weightloss? I don't have to many of cathe's dvds yet, but was considering getting a full series. I do have Low max and that is great! Was thinking of getting the rest of the hardcore series--whats your fave?? thanks
IMO, the best series to get is the Intensity series. I think it's been Cathe's best series to date (and I have all of them).

Pyramid Upper and Lower Body are great weight workouts with great premixes if you have time crunched days! Very comprehensive!

Muscle Endurance (a total body weight workout) and Bootcamp (a circuit workout on the floor) are both awesome. I haven't done the premixes in a while but remember them being fun.

Cardio and Weights (a circuit workout on the step) and IMAX 2 (an interval workout on the step) are both awesome and have good premixes! Of all the IMAXES, I find IMAX 2 the most fun!

Eventually you'll want all of Cathe's workouts ;-) , and this is a great series to start with. I can't say enough positive things about it.
>IMO, the best series to get is the Intensity series. I think
>it's been Cathe's best series to date (and I have all of

I agree! If a series is what you want, this is the one to get. I would "pick and choose" workouts from other series as well, but I have all of the workouts (except for the compil DVD) in this series, and use them.
I am partial to the Intensity Series.

Every one of those workouts will test you to the max. IMAX2, nothing needs to be said for this workout, the name along SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Cardio and Weights, to me, is the EASIEST of this whole series. The PUB and PLB, excellent upper and lower body workout. You will get cuts if you do this workout on a regular basis. BOOTCAMP and MUSCLE ENDURANCE, these workouts will be in the Video Hall of Fame. EXCELLENT conditioning workouts. Yes, Cathe outdid herself on the Intensity Series, fo' sure. Even the TERMINATOR compliation DVD is one of the BEST compliation DVD's out there. Better than TimeSaver. I don't have Hardcore Extreme, so I can not compare. Enough here.

The BodyBlast series (I think that was the name of it), I am not partial to the full body workouts (supersets/push pull). These workouts are not as intense. But I do love KPC, Step Blast and Step, Jump and Pump. I reach for these workouts alot. Leg and Glutes, I prefer Leaner Legs.

During the CTX period, I do love Cardio Kicks, Circuit Max and the whole CTX DVD. Why? Because w/CTX it is high intensity workouts for a short time frame. We all need these kinds of workouts, I don't care what you do. When you don't have the full hour to two, these maximize in the minimal time.

The others PH, Rhythmic Step I like these workouts alot. But, I still do her Slow and Heavy 2 times a month. I love this workout for strength. I still love Body Max and am glad she is doing Body Max 2. This is an one hour and a half full workout and you feel it when done. I usually do this one during the weekends, because of time frame.

Overall, you can not go bad with any of the workouts. But, to me, IMO, her Intensity Series is the one for a FULL series workout.

Now let us not take anything away from the Hardcore Series. It is a good series, but the pre-mixes were sub-par in comparision to the Intensity Series and many on this board will agree. That is why the Intensity Series gets a full 10 in my book.

Lastly, put it like this, if I was in Hurricane Katrina, and had to pack my precious things to take with me, the INTENSITY SERIES will be in my bag.

'nuff said....

"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated."
Maya Angelou
I agree....Intensity series. Great cardio for fat loss, good weight work to increase mass and metabolism. And you must get the Terminator along with it.....any of the three on that DVD will test you, and the way they are put together is awesome and very doable.

Now, I am also partial to the Body Blast series, maybe because it was my first Cathe series. However, I did the rotation Cathe wrote for it, and lost three pounds that month....all fat, I really believe, because my diet was pretty clean. Several folks think the weight work in that series is easy, but it was challenging for me at the time. It still is as long as I choose proper weights, and the cardio is really fun with good variety (step, step & floor with weights, kickboxing.

I have all the Cathe's series and the intensity series is my favorite.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
How would the Intensity Series be for a intermediate or int/adv. person? I keep looking at it but I'm afraid it will be so hard that I won't find it enjoyable.
I am partial to the Body Blast series for beginners/intermediates. Step Blast, KPC, SJP, Time Saver, PP, and Supersets are included. I agree the weight w/outs are not as intense but you can always increase your weights if you find it's too easy for you. KPC and SJP are also incredible cardio w/outs with weight work in them. I would consider them to be advanced, however there are TONS of premixes on the DVD's that even give you the length of each one. Now if I were a beginner, I would start with the premixes and work up to the complete workout. Some of the premixes are even in a circuit format and I LOVE circuit work. It's just great for fat-loss IMO.
This is just my opinion. And for the record, I do think that the Intensity Series is PHENOMENAL!!! I wouldn't trade it for the world. It really is perfection. But to start off with, I would pick the BB series.
Could somebody please comment about whether the Intensity Series would be too difficult for an int. to int./adv. person. Would it be so overwhelming that it would no longer be fun or something to look forward to? For example the new Low Impact Step is easy but Power Circuit from CTX and PowerMax are very intense for me. I've been thinking about the Intensity Series for quit awhile but just not sure if I'm at that level yet. I haven't even looked at Hardcore because I KNOW I'm not there yet!!! :7
I thought I did that. Anyway, yes, I think the Intensity Series is too difficult for an in/adv person. Especially if PC and PM are really intense for you. It is eventually worth getting because you will work up to that level. Just my opinion.:)
I think some areas may be challenging at first but it will definitely help you improve and you'll master them in time. I think most everything can be easily modified and there are a lot of premixes.

I think it is worth getting and you should consider it.
Thanks for your comments. Sorry Pixie9, I wasn't sure if you were talking to me because you said beg./int... I'd love to hear more opinions also if anyone else feels like chiming in!

DEFINITELY the Intensity series....I think it's her toughest set to date. not to mention the variety!
IMO, from reading your posts here, I think you would be better off with the Body Blast series for now. It is a great preparation for the Intensities. It isn't easy, but isn't as tough as some of the Intensity series, either. It sounds like you may want a series that is challenging yet do-able, so Body Blast fits the bill. And it should promote fat loss as well.
Those of us who speak of Body Blast being "easier" have most likely become somewhat conditioned to Cathe's style and workouts....however, there is good variety in the BBs, and I was able to learn and do all the DVDs even though it was my first Cathe series.
Since you handle the step in Low Max, you shouldn't have any trouble with the step in BB.

HTH, Julie
I think you should get both the Intensity Series and Body Blast! I got the Intensity series first and loved it so much that I bought the Body Blast series, too, as I was torn between both series. I love them both and if you have to chose one, I don't think you could go wrong with either series. The Intensity series is a little tougher than Body Blast, but Body Blast is definitely tough!

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