Question on becoming Personal trainer/instructor


This question is for Cathe or anyone else that can answer. For years my friends have encouraged me to become an instructor, however it wasn't until recently I've seriously considered it. I see all the organizations listed in the links section, but where do I start?? I'm already cpr certified, and my real desire would be to become a personal trainer, however if becoming an instructor would give me the necessary experience (and contacts), than I would do that first. But with all the different certifications, I'm really confused. It appears there are certifications for step, kickboxing, etc. But is there a general certification for all kinds of aerobic classes? Thanks for any help!!! Jackie R.

I'm also considering getting a PT certification. Right now I'm certified through AFAA with a primary certification. It is pretty general, I had to pass a written and practical[physical] exams in both aerobics and weight training. However I think it is good to get a specific cert. also. Some employers require specific certs. As for contacts, I really don't know because I haven't gotten my PT yet hopefully in Sept. Good Luck!! Hope this helps some.
Hi Jackie!

If your real desire is to become a personal trainer than stick with that and get a personal trainer certification. Being a group fitness instructor will not really enhance your skills as a personal trainer. You need to focus your attention on "one on one" applications with all of your clients. If you go to our links page, we have a listing for "organizations and certifications". ACE and AFAA have very well respected certifications in the fitness industry. You can read up on them by accessing them through our links page. Good Luck!

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