Question GetnFit@38


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-03 AT 04:33PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-03 AT 04:32 PM (Est)[/font]

Hi Donna....
You are the only person that can help me make this decision....
My mother just turned 53 years old...and has decided that she wants to get back into shape....
She currently weighs somewhere in the ball park of 350lbs....
I deserately want to help her....I have recently purchased her a bench, dumbells and a I am looking for some videos for her to she knows absolutely nothing about weight training. So i need a few suggestions for some videos that are nothing but weight training...and will give her detailed instruction about form etc.
I know Cathe has some great I work out to no one other than Cathe...what do you think about MIS or Body Max...and getting her just to do one segment a night after she walks on her new tredmill for 30 minutes or so.....any feed back would be so helpful....
I am very knowledgable about weight training....but I have no idea what the mind set of her will be...I do want her to watch MIS and get overwelmed and chicken out....
Thanks Donna....
Jenn Hayhoe
Hi Jenn,

I started with MIS and I think that's a great first weight training for anyone. Cathe's cueing is great, and as a total novice I was able to follow her easily, and it just so happens that was my weight (350lbs) when I first did it! :)

You know another option if you want to just add on a body part or two at a time would be CTX Upper Body, or even PS Series but just do 1 body part/day after her treadmill.

I think once your Mom starts losing, she'll be less overwhelmed and more enthusiastic about it! Weight training at higher weights really melts the pounds! The scale almost leaps down! The loss is twice as fast as just trying to lose through dieting alone. I think your Mom will stick with it if she can see results quickly, and the weights will help her see some quick results. People can say all day every day, "safe weight loss is at a rate of 1-2lbs/week..." but when you're over 300lbs you really aren't trying to hear that! So the results she'll get through adding weight training at her weight will really keep her motivated.

Please let me know what you decide and how your Mom is doing. I'd love to hear about her progress.

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Donna....
Thanks very much for taking the time the answer my post...I think what I will do lend her my MIS and PS series...and see how she makes I have about 25 different Cathe tapes that I can surely get by without a few...and if she likes it then I will buy them for her...
I am really hoping that she actually sticks with this desire as she has been taking about losing her weight for the past 5 years.....
Her biggest shehas a desk job....and gets little if no excercise per she wakes at 4:30 for work...and then by the time she gets home at 5pm she says she is exhausted and has no energy to do anything other than sit down and watch TV all evening until 9pm when she goes to bed. I am convinced that if she just starts to get in 3 to 4 days of exercise to start that she will quickly find more energy to keep it up and.....
I am at the point where I am praying for her to do this...not just hoping anymore....
I will keep you posted....
Thanks truly are an inspiration to many...I actually printed off your success story and made her read it....and this is actually what got her wheels turning...Thanks
Hi Jenn,

There's no law that says she can't walk her treadmill and watch tv! I mean it may not be ideal, but if it's a happy compromise, why not? Put the treadmill in front of the tv and she may even walk longer if she loses track of time from watching. I know I could probably do an hour easy if you put me on one during Law & Order!


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
This is one of favorite pieces of advice: Put your cardio machine in front of the TV and exercise while your favorite show is on!!!! Or, tape stuff (like the Teddy Roosevelt special on the History channel) and play it when you want to exercise. Mom is going to park in front of the TV anyway, and she doesn't have to walk fast to get benefits. That can come later.

How about Leslie Sansone's walking tapes? Those are great for beginners. This would be for cardio, of course.

Just Do It! :)
Hi Donna..and Honeybunch...Thanks You both for your suggestions.....She has a TV infront of her hopefully she will see some quick results....with cardio and weight training which will inspire her to to I am sure everyone is motivated by results....
I know I am.....
God Bless you.....and Donna I hope you mom is progressing ....
Have a great day

I agree with the treadmill/tv thing. I find cardio machines so boring. I have a treadmill and stairmaster and I got cable installed in the room they sit. If I am too tired to workout I just think- hmmm I can sit on the tv and workout and and feel sorry for myself how fat I am or I can workout and watch tv and go to bed (after a quick shower!) feeling better like I am being proactive. Even if its a slow paced workout its better than sitting.

Its working- I have gone from 255 to 197 since last summer. I think Donna is such an inspiration. I know she posted some photos a while back maybe you could show these to your mother?? Its great your mom wants to change- thats the only way it will work is if she wants it and she has been mulling this over for a while.

Can you offer to workout with her sometimes to motivate her?? She would not workout at your pace but if you could find the time I'm sure it would help her out.

Tell your mom we are all here behind her!! does she have a computer?? She could come here and we could all cheer her on :)

Hi I started out at the backdoor of 300 lbs myself and have lost 80 now.

What I did was weight training for upper body first along with Kelly Bliss and some other chair aerobic videos until I lost a little, got a hair of strength and was up for Cathe. It didn't take long either.

I agree Upper Body CTX would be a good, good starting place. Also check out Kelly Bliss and other chair aerobic vid options for some variety. In no time Mom will be here with Donna C and me kickin butt.

My neighbors mom just started working out also. She doesn't weigh 350", but she is very out of shape. She got the book Weightlifting for Dumbies. She said it is very good. They may have it on video. Check I have seen other "Dumbies" videos on there. My mom does the Richard Simmons Sweatng to the Oldies videos and really likes them. Maybe that would be a good place for her to start with cardio. There is a whole range of body types on his videos. I'm not sure if any of Cathe's videos would be good for her to start with. She may become discouraged and quit when she can't do them. Just another opinion.

You might want to look at the Tamilee Webb "I want those arms/abs/butt" series. They each have two sequences of only 15 minutes long, and they start with light weights, so aren't very threatening. As someone else said, it might be a good idea for her to start with something not too intimidating, and then work up to Cathe. Cathe is really for intermediate level, not beginner. For some people that might be ok, but it's better for your mom to start slow and gather up steam....

I have loaned my Tamilee tapes to friends just starting out and they were a good beginning for them.


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