Question for Weight Watchers Fans


Hey y'all -- there've been several WW posts in the past few days and they've gotten me to thinking. For those of you who are WW veterans, let me ask some advice.

I'm a former WW "success story" myself and last did the program about two years ago, just after the new system of Points was introduced. I have decided that when I get back from my vacation (starts tomorrow, back June 25) I'm going to go back on program. I've been trying without any success to lose 10 pounds (perimenopausal weight, I'm afraid) all winter, but haven't been on any really organized eating program. Since I work out with Cathe 4 to 6 times per week, I know that my eating habits are definitely the missing link. So I think I'll pull out my WW materials and do it again. It worked for me before (slowly, but it worked) and always felt good and healthy to me.

Last time I did WW I was nursing a knee injury and so I did very little strength training for the eight weeks or so that I was on program. Just some upper body work and for lower body and cardio I used my recumbent bike. It was all pretty mild exercise. But this time around I'll be using Cathe's tapes and I'm in much better shape and will be exercising more intensely. And like other posters have observed, the exercise advice at WW meetings and on their website seems geared much more to the beginner or very moderate exerciser.

For my current weight and goal, WW "allows" me 18 to 23 points per day, and last time I always hovered around 20-21 points. That seemed to be the magic number for losing, not maintaining, at my former exercise intensity level. So my question is this: How many more "food" points do you folks think I should allow yourself, being a more intense exerciser? Realizing that everyone's metabolism is different (and mine's at a snail's pace), I'm still thinking that I might need to allow myself the full 23 points, if not more. (And actually, I have no idea how the points translate into calories -- do you know? How many calories would 23 points equate to?) Do any of you who are currently on WW have any thoughts on this?

Of course I'll experiment to find the magic points number, but I don't want to lose TOO much time doing that.

Thank you so much, you guys -- I know I'll come home from vacation to find that y'all have posted LOTS of great advice for me!!! :) [FONT C OLOR=Blue]Kathy S.[/FONT]

I have been on the program (the home version) since March 29 and have lost 19 lbs. Here is how I figure my activity points according to the chart supplied to me:

Cathe Cardio - 4-5 points
Running for 30 minutes (including 5 minute warm up and cool down so 20 minutes conitious running) - 2 points
PS Strength tapes - 2

I usually bank activity points for the weekend so I can eat a little more. This has worked fo rme but I have plateuaed so I am trying the Wendie plan-staggering points each day-this is my first week so I will let you know how it goes.

Hi Kathy,

I haven't "officialy" done WW in about a year (I still have all my materials and keep track of my pts.) But before I stopped attending their meetings WW had come out with a new thing called a PointsBooster. This is a slide ruler alot like the Pointsfinder that tells you how many points your activity amounts to based on your weight, intensity level, and minutes. For example; based on my weight 60 mins of high intensity activity (which I would rate Cathe's as) would amount to 7 pts. for me.

When you do start attending meetings again you may have to ask your leader for one because I think they only give them out after you meet your 10 percent goal. It's like the second stage of WW (or at least it was, they may of changed it since I've been to the meetings.}

Hope this helps answer your quesitons.

I'll answer with what's worked for me. I'm 5'4, 124lbs. I lose easily on 28-32 points a day at a rate of about a pound a week.
I've taken off 10 pounds so far this way. Last fall I was 117 from following this routine, but I carbed out this winter and put some fat back on. It's been coming off steadily the past 3 weeks though, at a pound a week.

Trying to figure out activity points every day is too much of a hassle for me. I do three cathe strength workouts (ps series, or sometimes ph) and three cardios (jog, step, ckicks, whatever).

Remember to drink your milk! There's an interesting article in the latest readers digest about the link between fat loss and dairy products. I've found this to be true for myself--I'm thinner when I spend 6 points a day on milk or yogurt.

I think Cathe workouts are worth 5 points and I even eat those 5 points on Sundays when I don't exercise. And I lose consistently that way. It's when I eat more than that, that I stall or gain.
Hope that helps.
Hi Kath,
That was interesting information. I am a Lifetime member of WW
but haven't followed the plan in a year or so but should really start just so I eat better. You are the same height and weight I am but would like to take off a few pounds. I feel better around 120. I work out 6 days a week to Cathe weights and cardio. My eating isn't so good so I probally could eat as many points as you do and still loose weight. Did you eat more of your points in proteins or carbs. Just wondering if this makes a difference. I know I don't eat enough protein for the weight work I do. I also considering using the Wendy plan. If you have anymore input it would be appreciatated.
PS I also feel WW is the best eating plan there is. It can be as flexible as you want it to be.

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