Question for those of you with orthotics............


How long did the appointment take when you had your casting done for them? I go on Friday for my casting for orthotics and really need to figure out if I can squeeze something else in after but it all depends on how long it takes for the casting.

RE: Question for those of you with orthotics..............

It seems to me it took about 45 minutes. They put the wet molds on, then let them dry and peel them off. Not sure if everyone does them the same way, though. Won't your Dr.'s office tell you? Good luck. I'll be thinking of you. (It's completely painless.)
RE: Question for those of you with orthotics..............

It was definitely less than 1 hour for me. Not bad at all.
RE: Question for those of you with orthotics..............

Mine was over three years ago, but I believe mine was an hour or less as well.
My appt was 15 minutes max. I just had to step on some styrofoamy stuff (like they use for flowers). I'm sure if you call they can tell you how long it should take - assuming they are running on time. Definitely worth getting - I love mine. I feel taller abd that my posture is better.

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