Question for SNM about freezing issue...


I haven't previewed all the workouts in their entirety yet but so far I have had no freezing whatsoever.

Since the players having problems are of all brands, some new, some older.... is it possible that in the future when we buy new players (I am wanting a 5-disc changer!), we could have problems where we didn't before? I was just wondering about this because of the problem being identified on the disc itself and the unpredictability of what players will have problems.
Yes, it is possible that will happen, but our DVDs have a lifetime guarantee and we would certainly replacem them if this were to happen.
Yes this one great thing about Cathe DVDs! The lifetime guarantee :)

>Yes, it is possible that will happen, but our DVDs have a
>lifetime guarantee and we would certainly replacem them if
>this were to happen.
Thank you for the prompt response. I wasn't worried about SNM making it right. It just sounds like this may be an ongoing issue for you for a long time.
As I understand it, the return policy on DVD's is that defective DVD's may be returned for up to 90 days at no charge. Does that mean that if after 90 days we get a different player and these DVD's don't work on it, we would have to pay the postage for replacments?
Yes, I also want to know the difference between the LIFETIME guarantee and the 90 day guarantee ? Could this be explained a bit ?
>Yes, I also want to know the difference between the LIFETIME
>guarantee and the 90 day guarantee ? Could this be explained a
>bit ?

From their customer service page:

However, we will replace any defective video, at no cost to you, for up to 90 days from the date of purchase. DVDs are guaranteed for life for the original purchaser.

The 90 days, I believe, is on videos on VHS, while the lifetime guarantee is on DVDs.

I think someone otta do something about the player manufacturers.
They should have to make players comapible with any disc.
I am having no problems, but I think they change their firmware up to make people buy new players.
It should not have to be up to the video creators (not just SNM)to match up discs that will work on everything different out there...

SNM , what if the future players don't play the older discks in 5 years???
Then what?You havew to replace them all?
I would think the manufacturers of the players would have a play in this.
I am just thinking the cost and business aspect part of this.
Can you tell i own a business???

Aka( Storm)
>The 90 days, I believe, is on videos on VHS, while the
>lifetime guarantee is on DVDs.

90 days is 'no cost to the customer,' after 90 days, customer has to pay for shipping for replacement of a disc that goes bad. At least that's what I understood (I think they use "video" on the receipt to cover video and DVD media).

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