Question for Mom's who work and workout

Hey Janie, let me take a different track here and focus on your results. I have two DDs 7 and 5, i work full time. So feel your pain! Always have been a morning exerciser.

But what I want to know is what are you doing in thoe 30 - 60 minute workouts that is NOT bringing you the results you need? Girl, I am all for time management! You don't need more exercise, you need the right exercise. Let's get the full impact of whatever time you got to give to exercise!! When I started doing less cardio (4 sessions per week hard - no slogging through at 50%)) and more weight training, I saw HUGE changes for the better. I am not bigger, I am leaner and more defined. My yoga practice has gone fairly kaput - something had to give. I would like to be more helpful, so could you share the specifics of your workout routine, what you want to achieve? Us smarty pants gals (kids or no kids, women are just generally smarter) can help you out.

In life it is always about working smarter first and harder, not longer. You have very little time to waste. You need to make it count. And perhaps find time for other things (sleep, manicure, a leisurely meal; oh let me count the ways.)

Share more! Here to help. All the best to you super woman Janie

Fit Over 40
Well Janie, I am single and much of my "free" time is devoted to taking care of my mother who is elderly and in failing health. Since I am the single one sans children my family has conveniently passed the buck to me (but that is another matter) and I tend to resent the implication (not necessarily made by you but by society in general) that I am footloose and fancy free 24/7. We all have our obligations, including taking care of ourselves, so no offense taken and kudos to you for realizing that you need time to take care of yourself. BTW, I still say you will have to drag your kiester out of bed in the early a.m. to get those workouts in. If I did it (I am the queen of late night!) I bet you can too :)
PS: Sorry for turning your perfectly innocent question into a soapbox opportunity to remind moms they aren't the only people that are swamped. I owe you a margarita!
I am also an early exerciser (I usually get up at 4:50 to work out). I have two kids and work from home as well, and if I don't work out before my kids wake up in the morning, it just doesn't happen. You mentioned that you don't sleep well and have a hard time waking up early.....for myself, I have found that if I make myself get up early and work out I sleep better at night. It is hard to do at first and if you try it, you will be really tired the first few days, but you may find that your body gets used to the new schedule, and getting a solid workout in every morning, then taking care of business and kids until bed time may just exhaust you enough to fall asleep more easily:) It works for me!
Hey no biggie. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. You are absolutely 100% correct we all have obligations and I totally respect and find it extremely honorable that you have taken on the responsibility of taking care of your mom. It takes a very unselfish, patient, and kind hearted person to take care of others so my kudos to you. :) Extra kudos for being able to wake up early.
thanks pressju! I think your right. Smarter not harder. I was just talking to my hubie last night about this, with STS and finding our 1 rep max. I did muscle max in its entirety and 4 day split kick box and was finished at 11:30pm, got a late start. I finally fell asleep around 3:30am and woke up at 7am. Only I don't think I pushed myself very much. I knew I could have done those push ups on my toes and lifted that 35lb barbell for biceps but I didn't. I went on my knees and lifted 25lbs. I find when I work out late that I use my excuse for being fatigued to not push myself. It's strange when you suffer from insomnia your so tired but you just can't sleep. I know it isn't the answer I want to hear but I agree with what others have said about waking up earlier. I'll probably be able to fall asleep earlier. I need to have quality workouts to see the results. My extreme gratitude and appreciation to everyone who answered my post!! What great motivation you all give me! :)
don't have much advice but just hugs.

i am also a part time worker with a 9 year old daughter with autism/ADHD/sensory intergration dysfunction and we are starting to see signs of OCD and oppositional defiant disorder(hoping thats just an age thing and not the disorder :-( )

i don't get up at five but i try to get up quarter to six that way i have a few minutes to have a cup of coffee and read some emails before i workout. i try to make 30-45min every morning and 30-60 min of yoga/pilates in the evening. i always change up so right now i do one full cardio day, 2 days of strendurance(, one day of cardio/weight circuit and 3 mornings of pure yoga or pilates.after i do this strendurance i will be doing upper/lower body splits with more cardio for short periods. its my eating that is keeping me from results. lately i have been pigging out but now that i am regaining control its getting better.

plus some report splitting up your workouts during the day are just as good as one full hour. i think as long as you make you time you will be fine but really check the food. even the smallest nibblings can add up.

BTW i am hitting the big 3-0 this june!!! :D


At first, I was doing weights and cardio in one loonnnnggg segement and really beginning to hate it *because* I felt like I was constantly in my workout room and never with my daughter. So, now that I'm more focused on separate weight / cardio days, I tend to exercise when I get home from work and Aeverie will ride her bike outside while I'm in the garage (perfect because she's right there with the garage door opened) or she'll sit in there with me and color, etc. It's also nice because when I'm at work, I go to the gym across the street approx. three days a week and I can sneak in some extra cardio while I'm there leaving me feeling less guilty :p I've been doing this for about 3 months and have lost 20 lbs. so I think it's working ;) But I must say that weight training is crucial (at least for me!) for weight loss. Good luck!
Kassia - I keep meaning to tell you how beautiful your daughter is everytime I see a posting by you :) Don't you love how peaceful they look when they're sleeping? God bless your family:7
Could it be that the insomnia is keeping you from getting results. I've seen/read/heard a lot lately about the importance of sleep in weight management and muscle building.

Can you find a specialist to help you with that? I can't imagine doing ANYTHING on just 4 hours of sleep a night.

I totally agree with the "smarter not harder" theory.

It has taken me a very very long time to work out what actually shifts my weight. After much tweaking, I think I've worked it out! YAY! Sadly its not Cathe all the time. Tae Bo is my key. Some of those workouts are short 30-40 mins long. I can let you know which ones I've tried. I also have started to run, 30 -40 mins. I've added yoga. Then I also combine 30 -40 mins of a Cathe weight workout, and Cathes step which are a bit longer. I do split the workouts up sometimes. Might Tae bo in the morn, then do abs and stretch in the pm. or a short weight workout in the pm

I do many other things too, I have to put things on hold to workout. When I run, I have to run somewhere where my children can see me. I have my children under my feet when I workout indoors, I do what I have to to get it done!

I know all about police officer hours too! If you don't sleep when hes on night shift, do a little workout then. Plus if you are waiting for him to come home after an afternoon shift, so something then. I can't get up early to workout, no way no how, I just get it done when I can. Juggle things around.

>I totally agree with the "smarter not harder" theory.

i think this is the best way to put it. you can work really hard in those 30 min. i know the strendurance workouts i have really kick my arse and they are 28-32 min long(7 workouts on the dvd meant to be a 12 week rotation). i also add pull ups throughout when i am home b/c its just something i am building up to. i do my 2sets of 6reps then come back to it when i have a moment.

and not to go off topic but dh maxed out our best buy card getting a WII for viola so we can workout together. also planning on the WII fit. so having fun can be fitness time too.


In answer to your question about the split workouts, I do split workouts all the time and see great results. Both of my kids are much older (I have one in college and the other is a freshman in high school) and I have worked at home for my boss for the past 11 years. However, time is limited for me as well, so I like to split my workouts so I have time to do all I want to do. I usually start working at my job about 6 in the morning (since I don't have to commute I can use that time to work instead of driving!) and then I take time out around 10:30 to do my cardio workout (which is anywhere from 30 minutes plus -- depends on how much time, how busy work is, how I feel -- but I at least try and get 30 minutes in). I usually stop around 4:30 and then do my strength training (I always like to split those up as well -- do upper body one day and lower body another day). If I don't do strength training on that particular day, I might do a short 30 minute cardio (such as a walk/run on my treadmill). I have seen great results doing it this way, but make sure you are definitely eating as clean as possible. That is really the key (at least for my body) to seeing the results you want.

Hope this helps!

Oh by the way -- I meant to say that I stop "working" around 4:30 (and that is p.m.) -- not working out. I guess my posted sounded like I started working out at 10:30 a.m. and kept going until whenever! LOL!

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