question for moms who breast feed and or express milk


hi everyone. here i am asking more questions. finn is now almost 3 weeks old and eating like a champ. i nurse him every 1-3 hours, and all is well despite fatigue. i have also started pumping to build up a supply for when i go back to work. my question is, my dh plans to give 1 bottle or so a day. can i let him give one, say at 10 or 11 pm , so i can sleep until the next feeding, or do i need to pump when finn is having a bottle so my milk supply stays up? everything i have read says they need to nurse 8-12 times a day to ensure good milk supply. i can do it, but 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep sounds amazing right now.... thanks to anyone that has any info.
hello you, i am glad to see that nursing is going so well for you!!in my experience i was able to skip my last feeding and keep up my supply. i know a lot of moms who express milk and then skip a feeding and everthing is ok. how is the sleep deprivation going, boy what i would give for just 1 uniterrupted nights sleep. andrew did have a fluke night when he actually went 7 hours(wow)but that has not happened again. the circles are a little darker under my eyes but well worth it
i'm thinking of buying stock in clinique - i am going thru concealer like there is no tomorrow:) i'd settle for 3-4 full uniterrupted hours. my ittle guys grunts and groans in his sleep - he is not distressed but i think it is his way of working out gas and bms. every noise he makes wakes me. perhaps this is just a stage.

thanks for the info on what has worked for you. did you skip a feeding early on (finn is just almost 3 weeks), or did you wait a bit longer?

how is your body feeling? are you doing more impact? i laughed at your post back when you said running was uncomofrtable for you - you can do imax 3 with comofrt?! wow!

i bet andrew starts sleeping a bit more soon as he is almost 7 weeks, right?
My dd is almost five months old and I have breast fed exclusively. My advice is to let your hubby help you out at night! My husband did the same thing for me when our daughter was up every three hours. I found that I got the most milk pumping in the mornings. I also pumped after each feeding. It may not seem like a lot, but those little amounts add up. The extra pumping will also help with your supply. Most moms produce less milk in the late evening and night, so I don't think it would hurt to skip one feeding, especially if your little one is eating so frequently.

I hope this helps.

Rebecca :)
Hi Morris. I am in almost the same boat as you, except Haylee is almost 4 months old now. My husband generally feeds Haylee one bottle of expressed milk in the evening (around 7 or 8). While he is doing that, I do pump because she usually sleeps for a longer stretch of about 5-6 hours after he puts her to bed. If I didn't pump I would be too engorged at the next feeding. But, I don't really think it would kill my supply if I didn't pump. However, since I also need to build up my supply for my return to work in 1-1/2 weeks, I put what I pump in the freezer. My husband feeds her from my May supply of pumped milk (using the oldest first). I have found that just having a break from constant feedings really helps my mental state and it is good for the baby and my hubby also to have that time together.

Good luck!
although my youngest is 2 years old im still breastfeeding him especialy at night when he sleeps with me.
as i recall if i skipped a feeding my beast started to fill and after 4 hours when he ate it was like "oh thanks god for the relif"
so dont worry go 2 sleep and nuture will do his thing.
isnt that wonderfull feeling to breasfeeding?:) :) :*

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