question for Fitness Freak


Kudos to that body of yours girl!! You seem to be the person to ask on this site.

I'm 5'7, 150 and am pretty consistant with my workouts. I'm currently doing your leg blast workout and loving it. I have a few questions for you:

1st-what do they mean when they say less is more (referring to cardio) in fat loss?

2nd-if my goal is to get ripped, how may reps/sets should I do for each body part?

3rd-how many of servings of fruita/carbs should I have per day to obtain my goal?

Finally had time to respond. Sorry about the delay!

1. When I was doing tons of cardio, like 5-6 hours a week, I was able to lose some weight but not "body fat". Once I cut back on cardio (only 2-3 hours a week now) and upped my weight training, I lost body fat very quickly. You can do cardio until the cows come home - and you may end up skinny but you will be a "fat skinny". Upping weights in your training is what revs up the metabolism and shapes your body. Keep in mind I'm a mesomorph body type. Every "body" has different needs.

2. By getting ripped if you mean you want to be lean and defined, then the rep/sets should be around 3 sets of 10-12 reps. This is not etched in stone, however. You need to find out what your body responds to the best. Rule of thumb: 5-8 reps is for building muscle mass; 10-12 is for defining and leaning out; 15-20 reps is to just shock the crap out of your body when it doesn't want to respond anymore. LOL!

3. Servings of fruit and carbs depends on what you feel is right for you body. I tend to cut out all fruits and only eat about 100 g. of carbs a day when I'm trying to lean out. I love fruit, too, so it's hard for me to just stop eating it. I'll add frozen strawberries to my protein shakes before and after my workout, but that's about all the fruit I'll have. On my cheat day I'll eat a whatever I want.

Hope this helps!
Thanks for the reply, but what do they mean when say less intense cardio is better for fat loss? referring to the phrase less is more. Also, does your daily menu mainly consists of protein and veggies
I don't think I ever said that about cardio. I believe in HIIT cardio workouts. Never got much out of just steady state work. I have said that "less is best" with lifting weights. Meaning you don't need a 2 hour lifting session to gain muscle mass. Less then an hour is sufficient.

My menu consists of about 30% fat, 45-50% protein and 28-30% carbs.
I had ordered the Michael Thurman 6-week body makeover and in the e-cise part of the plan it talks about doing 60-75 min of low intensity cardio because it helps to lose body fat not carbs. The rapid weight loss diet menu consists of basically protein and veggies and it allows you one/two fruits a day.

Thanks for your input
Interesting. I have heard some people say that lower intensity cardio workouts will burn more fat then high intensity workouts. But I know that HIIT works for me. Try it and see how your body responds. That's what this is all about. :)
Dana, here is some more info on HIIT versus low intense cardio:

Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) is greater after anaerobic exercise than it is after aerobic exercise.

If you burn 280 calories in 20 minutes doing HIIT and 280 calories in 40 minutes riding a bike, yes, you've burned 280 calories. But the calorie burn continues at a greater rate and for a longer period after HIIT.

Proportionately, steady state burns more fat than HIIT, but for the same amount of time you get a better bang with HIIT because you'll burn more calories during and after and hence, more fat.

I wouldn't get caught up in the numbers, though. Do whatever cardio appeals to you. I think it's diet that counts the most.

Courtesy of a friend of mine on another forum I'm on.
I really appreciate your reply. I'm doing your leg blast rotation and was wondering if you had a chance to do any of Cathe'e workout blender from her KPC? or any other kickbox video (not to fond of step)If so what's a really good one?


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