#1 excercise: SQUATS! And do them parellel if not @ss to grass. The lower you go, the more muscles your work in your glutes and quads. Push up with your heels each time.
Bulgarian Split Squats are awesome too. Really cause a burn in the glutes and quads. If you have never done these, google them. I have a love/hate relationship with these but they do really nice things to my backside.
Step Ups (or what Cathe calls Leg Press) is an awesome exercise to work the glutes. The more range of motion you have, the better, but watch the back. Same with Bulgarians. These can irritate the low back if you are prone to back problems.
Stiff Legged Deadlifts work the hamstring and glute area really well. My hammies get sore each and every time I do these. Concentrate on the up action squeezing your hammies and glutes each time you come up.
Hamstring Curls are good for the hamstrings but indirectly work the glutes as well if the contraction at the top is worked well.
Have fun!!!