Question for Cathe -S&H Legs and Shoulders


Active Member
Hi Cathe
I just completed S&H legs and shoulders...what an awsome tape.
I am having so much fun with your workouts.
Okay here are my questions: 1. When doing Plie's can you use a 40 pound barbell instead of the dumbbell? Are there any additional benefits when using the dumbbell?
2. In the beginning of the tape you said you are using 50 pound weights. Is this including your barbell? What are the weights of each plate on your barbell.
Thanks for making these tapes! I can't wait for your new releases!
Cathe has said in the past that it is fine to use a barbell on the plie squats. She also said that the positioning of the dumbell low in front worked deeper into the inner thigh--or did she say the groin muscle? or are they the same thing?

In the past, she has also said a particular weight refers to the TOTAL weight, including the bar. I don't know how much her plates are.

Gosh, with so much missing knowledge should I even post this?Better than nothing?

I got curious as to what CATHE actually said and searched out her response. Here it is:

"For plie squats, two 20 pound dumbells are fine. Having the weight load down in the groin location creates variety and also seems to emphasize a deeper stretch at the bottom of the squat. This therefore challenges the adductors a bit more. This could be more mental than physical stimulation but many seem focus more and go deeper into the stretch when holding the dumbbell this way. However, it is also fair to say that this position causes some discomfort in the forearms while trying to maintain the grip when the weight load is heavy. For this reason we have shown a variety of ways for you to hold the dumbell and/or use a barbell on your shoulders. Comfort comes first. Take care!"

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