Question for "Cathe" concerning my abs

Hi Cathe

I'm new to your forum, I have recieve a couple of dvd and really like
the way you workout. As a matter of fact, I consider you the best. But
I have a question for you. I will be 42 in a month and have three childrens. After my first child, I got with pregnant again when my baby was only 6 months old. After my second child was born, I need to lose some weight, so I did. I had gotten back down to almost the weight that I was before I got married, but I have a problem with my lower abs. I have a pouch of fat that kind of hang over my panty line. Some one told me that I had my first two children so close together, I didn't have the time I needed for my muscles to go back together. Is this true? Can I ever lose this roll of fat? Or will I have this loose skin forever?

RE: Question for

Hi Meverllyn! It depends on if the pouch is loose skin or body fat. If it is body fat, yes you can burn it off with hard work. If it is loose skin hanging as a result of being overstretched, to some degree it will remain there. All of us who have had children will have to deal with overstretched skin to some degree. Some have it worse then others depending on how many kids they had and their genetics. Genetically speaking, some people have less elasticity in their skin, some are prone to stretch marks, some will have their abdominal cavity partially or entirely separated for good (that's what I have, it's called "diastisis recti"), and some might have none of the above and bounce right back.

So you have to evaluate the situation and know that if you gave it your all, you may just have to accept some things. If you did not give it your all then get really focused and work hard. You can make some changes.

For me personally, I have tried very hard to make the best of my loose skin too. Its always a battle. I know exactly of the "hang over line" you speak of and have come to the conclusion that some fitness positions/poses are simply friendlier to the eye then others;-)
RE: Question for

what a great an honest responce! I'm with Cathe, I look as well as I could hope, and only do certain fitness poses alone! ;-)
RE: Question for

I know exactly of
>the "hang over line" you speak of and have come to the
>conclusion that some fitness positions/poses are simply
>friendlier to the eye then others;-)

Ah..that explains the "arms overhead" postion on three of the Hardcore series cover photos!;-)
RE: Question for

> I know exactly of
>>the "hang over line" you speak of and have come to the
>>conclusion that some fitness positions/poses are simply
>>friendlier to the eye then others;-)
>Ah..that explains the "arms overhead" postion on three of the
>Hardcore series cover photos!;-)

Posing with the arms up is nothing new for Cathe. I don't know if you have her older workouts (Step Max, Mega Step Blast, Wedding, etc) but the covers of those had Cathe with the arms up. I know Fonda used to pose like that all the time too. Maybe 'arms up' is considered a 'high energy' pose?;-)

RE: Question for

Cathe, I just wanted to say that was one of the most honest answers from a fitness celebrity I've ever heard. I sometimes wondered if maybe some of them in addition to working out had to have a small tuck here or there because after children, things just happen to your body that working out doesn't completely fix. I think your body looks great and if you have a little overhang of loose skin my goodness, I'll take your loose skin over mine any day. You look great and great answer to her question. Honesty is refreshing.
RE: Question for

You just don't know how I appreciate you for your honesty. But you look so, so good. I guess when get down to weight I want, I will have to get my tummy tuck. I'm only 5'3 and my two babies weighed over 81/2 lbs my last one was 9lbs. My stomach could only stretch so far.
I just love how you are concern about others.


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