Question for Aquajock


Hi Annette,

Saw a previous thread about Interval Max 1 that you chimed in on. I am a total klutz with step - trying to master Kelli Roberts Ultimate and Kari Anderson Fitness Formula. Is the step in IM more complicated than those? I hope to work up to Cathe in the future, but for now I'm just trying to master the few that I have. I also have Gin Miller (Best of Reebock TV).

Thanks as always for your great advice!

RE: Answer for Mar

Hi, Mar - in fact, the simplicity of the I-Max choreography was one of its first selling points for La Klutz who now responds to you - the most complicated move is a hopturn that takes you back behind your step. The real intensity is in simple but exceedingly challenging intervals.

My suggestion: get I-Max 1 AND I-Max 2 at your earliest opportunity, and just let yourself practice the step segments as much as you need to.

Also consider getting Gin Miller's "Intense Moves": that too is a step-based interval workout, much lighter IMHO than the I-Max Twins but a good intro to interval work.

Just recite The Happy Premises now:

Happy Premise #1:

Annette Q. Aquajock, Ranking Klutz of the Aerobics World, mastered and expanded upon the I-Max workouts.

Happy Premise #2:

I am better than Annette Q. Aquajock, morally, spiritually, aesthetically, athletically, intellectually, and probably financially.

Happy Premise #3:

If A-Jock can do it, I can do it with one eyeball tied behind my back.

Hey Mar and Aqua --

Mar, I gotta chime in here, honey.

I agree with Aqua that you just have to buy the IMAX Duo and in time you'll conquer them even while they humble you. They are just flat-out fun, in a kinda S&M way. }( And perhaps, as the inspirational Ms. Jock has said, you may indeed recite Happy Premise #2 to yourself. But one thing neither you nor any of us can EVER recite is: "I am funnier than Annette Q. Aquajock."

A-jock, I remain your comedy slave.;-) Kathy S.
RE: Hey Mar and Aqua --

Hi Mar! Another klutz here! I agree with A-Jock and Kathy, the IMAX step is short and not too complicated; the blasts are another thing (not complicated just flat out intense)! A-Jock, I love your posts; not only are they hilarious, but incredibly informative!

Take care,
RE: Hey Mar and Aqua --

Agreeing with the above. I hated step until IMAX. THe cheoreography is really NOT bad. It's a tough tape but great if you don't like the complicated moves.

Funny this tape got me to actually like step!

It's TOUGH but when you can do it through and then finally through without modifications you will feel WONDERFUL!
RE: Kathy, Veeckee, Robyn and Mar

Robyn hit the nail on the head about how wonderful you feel when you can get through all the intervals without modifications; the first time I made it through I-Max 1 with no mods I walked around during the cooldown like I'd peed myself, but within half an hour I was higher than a kite off of endorphins and smugness.

Actually, IMHO the most complicated part of I-Max 1 was the warm-up; all those hands and feet flying around doing different things. Mar, another Cathe-ite had a great suggestion once: in learning these routines, focus first on mastering the leg work, and then stylize the arms. Do it bit by bit and you'll get it down good.

You guys are too nice! I don't really know how much funnier I am than the average middle-aged broad, but I DO know this:

No female is balder than moi.


AJ - You are too funny. Have you considered stand-up? Thanks for the great suggestions. I will order IMAX and Gin Miller. I will think about my Klutz Komrades as I do the workouts.

Thanks to all for encouragement


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