Question about weights used in Muscle Endurance


Hello everyone,
Hope your having a good day. The sun is shining here in NYC. I was looking for a thread showing the weights used by Cathe in Muscle Endurance. I am planning to do it for the first time and figured I'd check here before I go through the whole thingto preview for myself.
Hi there,

Cathe uses both a barbell and dumbbells weights in the video. The barbell weight ranges from 25-40 pounds, depending on body part, and is used for a majority of the exercises. The dumbbells range from 8-15 pounds and are not used as much. She also uses a 10 lb. plate held in the arms for the tall box step ups. I can do the whole work out with my dumbbells b/c I don't have a barbell yet.

Hi Chloe,
I did this workout this morning. Cathe tells you what she is using. Let me see if I remember (my notebook is at home and I'm not)
For leg presses (all 3 sets) - 10# plate ***squats 40 # bb **deadlifts 35# bb ***db lat rows 2 X 8 # db's ***dead row/clean & press 30# bb ***bicep curls 20# bb ***static lunges 25# bb ***pec flyes 8# db ***press on 8# med ball***push ups and tricep dips -no weight ***double arm kickbacks 5#db ***seated tricep o/h 10# plate ***glute raises - no weight ***shoulder presses w/rotation (can't remember what these are called) 8# db ***front raises for shoulders 5# db ***seated rear delt flyes 5# db***seated bent arm side lateral raise 5# db ***abs (TOUGH!) use 8# medicine ball.

hope this helps!
Joy, What excellent records you are keeping!! I always mean to do that however I never get around to it. Seeing this information written down is very helpful. Thanks for sharing!:)
Why thanks. This has sort of evolved for me over time. I started putting weight workouts on an excel spreadsheet and left columns for me to fill in what I have been using. The last time I decided to put the weight that Cathe uses in the description column. They aren't all perfect but they work pretty well for me.

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