Question about weight training.......


How long should it take to start seeing some definition in my arms and back maybe? I have been doing Power Hour 2 times one week and 3 times the next week for about 5 weeks now along with my cardio on the other days. When should I start to see some change? I am beginning to think that I might have too much fat reserves on my back to even begin to see definition there but I was hoping for some definition in my arms. My bicep is definitely harder but not exactly shapely. Just wondering, I plan on getting more Cathe tapes as soon as my birthday comes and I get some more money, and also to get a barbell with weights. I use all dumbbells now.

Thanks ( oh my birthday is in 17 days) oohh can't wait to get more Cathe
Hi Annette :)

Have you tried the Tank Top Rotation? I did that last summer and I really started to see definition in my arms in about 2 weeks. Also I noticed I got rid of some back flab by doing CTX Kickbox cardio twice a week. Maybe it's time to change your routine. I understand that changing your workouts every 6-8 weeks can help you get over plateaus. Sorry I probably wasn't much help.
When I first started lifting I noticed that my muscles got much harder before I ever started to see them. That hardness is a sure sign that you are well on your way to being able to see them long as you are not leaving out the cardio..

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