question about time listed on this site


What time zone is this in? i look at the time last updated part and its always hours ahead of what we are here and we are in eastern time and pacific should be behind us by 3 hours so this may be silly question but just wondering why it says about 5 hours past us.
BTW, still waiting for my DVD's too in Canada, shipping takes sooo long and i know its probably stuck at customs!
You actually set the time to whatever time zone you want it to be. You just need to go into the user menu at the top and click on "edit your preference." The first thing that comes up is the time zone. HTH
Did you check to make sure you have just your time zone and not the daylight savings version of the time zone. For example, I'm on the east coast(eastern time) and on the drop down list there are 2 eastern time zones. One is for daylight savings time and the other is not. I had to manually change mine last week after the time change. I'm not sure if that is what is happening with yours but that's what happened with mine.:)
I just changed mine. If you are on eastern time, make sure you change from EDT option back to "regular" eastern. Also, I noticed that when you are not logged on and just lurking (which I do often) the time is always way off.

HTH :)

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