Question about the workout abbreviations?


Active Member
Hi, I am just wondering if someone can give me the abbreviations on all the workouts. EX: what are HSTA, MIC, and KPC etc?:)

HSTA- High Step Advanced Circuit
MIC-Maximum Intensity Cardio
KPC-Kick, Punch and Crunch

Hope this helps.

Here are a couple of others you see sometimes:

SB = Step Blast
SJP = Step Jump & Pump
MIS = Maximum Intensity Strength
PH = Power Hour
ME = Muscle Endurance
BC = Boot Camp
CTX = Cross Train Xpress

PUB-Pyramid upper body
PLB - Pyramid Lower Body
BS/BF - Basic Step, Body Fusion
LG- Legs and Glutes
LL -Leaner Legs
PP-Push Pull
RS-Rythmic Step
IMAX-Interval Max (the first one-the second one is just IMAX 2)
PS - Pure Strength
S&H or SH- Slow and Heavy

I think that helps cover them. Don't worry you'll remember them all soon- and WANT THEM ALL!!

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