Question about the six pack


Hi Cathe!

I just ordered the six pack. I have been jogging/walking for 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week (for about a month). Thats about it as far as my physical fitness regime goes. The six pack appealed to me because of the different routine every day, as well as being able to break it up. My question physically fit do I need to be to jump in and start with the six pack? Do I need to do something to prepare?

By the way, you look awesome and you are an inspiration to all mothers!
Hi Shannon!

Thanks so much.

About the 6 pack....Actually all parts of all of the routines can pretty much be modified in intensity by simply eliminating the power in the movement. Some Examples: If you don't want to do a run run up onto the step, you can simply stay with a basic step. If you don't want to do an up jack, down jack, you can simply go up,up march and down, down march. If you don't want to kick high, then just kick low. If you dont want to do airborn jumps, then do low jumps or a light jog in place). Sure there are a few spots where it will require a new move entirely as a substitute because there really is no way to do a simple modification, but thats what I'm here for. Simply ask me and I will find a substitute move for you so that you come out on the same foot as us when you complete the modified move

But as far as "jumping right in" and starting with the tapes goes, I'm actually more concerned with how familiar you are with my other tapes, since these tapes rely heavily on being familiar with my style and moves from the past. Now I'm not trying to discourage you because I think it is all very doable and easy to learn, its just that your question specifically asks about "jumping right in". I think that if you are not familiar with my other tapes you will need to give yourself a little time to get familiar with them first. After that I'm sure that you'll find them to be the "different cardio/break it up" type workout you are looking for. Hope this helps.

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