Question about Slow and Heavy series and P/S



Hi! I am currently using the P/S series and MIS. I use dumbells and this is working out just fine.

What is the difference between Slow and Heavy and P/S - since P/S and MIS are strength routines how are they different? I would like to eventually purchase them along with Power Hour for endurance.

Thanks for your input.
Slow and heavy gives you about 30 minutes on each body part, using many sets of slow eight count reps using different exercises, with a full minute of rest in between. PS uses heavy weights but a faster pace. You get less time on each part, except for legs, which is a longer workout than slow and heavy. MIS uses lighter weights and an even faster pace. So Slow and Heavy is for maximum strength gain, taking out all the momentum. I don't think you get much endurance at all due to the rests. PS builds mostly strength also, but probably some endurance. MIS builds even more endurance. They all build muscle. Does this make sense?
Thanks! Your post definiately made sense - I think I'll stick to P/S, MIS and then get power hour - When I stop seeing strength gains from P/S and MIS then I will consider S&H. I am more interested in building a little more muscle and defining what I have. Thanks again.

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