Question about Shoulder tenderness-Can you please help me?


Hello Cathe or educated crowd,
after reading the recent post about Rotator cuff injuries, i'm wondering if I have a problem with this (I understand your aren't doctors examining me, but take your best guess as to what is going on with my left shoulder!)

I have a constant (not just during weight workouts)clicking/slight discomfort in the area of my shoulder blade, on my back. After I do a lot of pushups, it doesn't seem to bother me at first, but later in the evening, I'm feeling it; when I try to lift my 8 month up over my head, playing, i feel straining/discomfort...

what do u think is going on? Should I stop push-ups all together? Modify/eliminate certain exercise? Any advice is appreciated!!

Hi! I just read through that thread you were mentioning and posted my woes as the last post.

Yes....I think you are on your way to an injury; or you have one. Probably not as bad as it could be and I am no dr. Just experience like crazy.

BE CAREFUL! Take all of that advice in that post. Those ladies know what they are talking about and don't be a hero! Your shoulders CAN stay defined and strong without overhead presses and greatly reducing your anterior deltoid work. Get your back strong and limit your pushups too.

I have to say, we woman can do anything...almost. BUT, we are not as strong as men...even if you break it down to our bodyweight etc. (ok...cathe is a phenom); but our shoulders are not as strong and our joints are not the same. Sure, formed the same way, but I have come to the conclusion that all of those exercises cannot be performed 'balls to the walls' by everyone. Listen to your muscles, joints and your body. You can still get a great workout; you just have to find the right modifications and exercises for you. Once you hurt your shoulder, you will hurt it again most likely, or it will never really heal.

Now...all that doom and gloom; sorry! But I believe if I would have noticed or paid attention to my shoulder as you are right away, and then taken 4-6 weeks off back then, then modified as I returned; I would have healed enough to not be suffering now. So...just food for thought!

Good luck and never stop working out.

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