Question about shoulder and neck pain


I took a hiatus from working out for part of June and all of July partly due to the heat and humidity and no airconditioning and partly because I have been having pain in my shoulder and neck.

I thought in taking the month and a half off that I would be pain free and I was until today and some yesterday when I resumed my workouts. The pain in my shoulder and neck is back. Yesterday I did taebo and today Gym Style Chest and Triceps leaving out push ups and barbell and band work plus I did abs off another Cathe workout. I was working out before through all the pain but this is ridiculous that after all that time the pain is right back.

Any ideas as to what the pain could be from? I have tried heat and massage and pain killers and muscle relaxants and while they all work for a time the pain returns. I only do kickboxing and hi/lo type workouts because I can't step anymore, could that be part of the problem?

Any help is appreciated, thanks for reading. I haven't posted on the open discussion in a very long time.:eek:
Definitely see a doctor and get a diagnosis before trying to keep working out. You could have a rotator cuff issue, a herniated disk, or both, like me.
Back in June, I suffered an acute strain of the trapezius and a pinched nerve from—get this—just putting on a sports bra. :eek: Really. I could not turn my head and missed two days of work. My primary doc prescribed muscle relaxers and heat, but it was chiropractic treatment that did the trick.

I've just returned from an overseas trip where I did a lot of luggage handling, and my trap has tightened up on me again. Not like it was, but I have an MT appointment tomorrow and will be getting in to see the chiro soon, too.

I agree about starting with your doc and then possibly visiting a chiro and/or MT.

Good luck & keep us posted!
Pay attention to how you are holding your head. If you stand in a head-forward position, or with the chin jutting out, instead of with the chin back and ears over shoulders, it can cause neck and shoulder pain (and interestingly enough, IMO, can contribute to shoulder impingement).

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