Question about running and strength training


Active Member
Hey everyone,

I have a question. I'm just starting the Couch to 5K program. I'll probably be doing C25K Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I was thinking of doing the Pyramid Upper Body and Lower Body to complement it. Should I do my Lower Body on running days, or on the days that I don't run?

I also wanted to incorporate circuit training. I was thinking I'd do UB or LB on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays....and then doing circuit training on Wednesdays and Sundays, with Saturday being my day off. So the breakdown would be...

M: C25K, UB or LB
T: Other cardio (probably step or something), UB or LB
W: Circuit training. C25K
Th: Other cardio, UB or LB
F: C25K, UB or LB
Sa: Off
Su: Circuit Training

What do you all think??
I don't know if there is a more effective way to do it but I run 3 days a week and split my upper body workouts on my running days. Then I work legs one day a week.
Monday run 6 mile or moutain bike upper body
Tuesday legs- and abs
Wednesday run 6 miles or mountain bike upper body
Thurday-yoga and abs
Friday-run 6 miles upper body
Saturday circut train-abs
Sunday rest
I like to take Cathe's words to heart here and I always just listen to my body. After you try out a few things you'll find out what works for you.
i'm a runner and weightlifter. if it were me personally, i'd ditch the "other cardio" and run instead. but that's because i love running more than anything, and especially more than other cardio :)

for me personally, it doesn't matter whether i do legs on the same or different days as running, as long as my legs get at least 1 recovery day per week. just like cathe says, and janie echos above, listen to your body! especially if you are a new runner, you really have to go into it slow and let your legs recover. running is a high impact intense sport.
I think it depends on

Are you running hills or not? I don't know if you really need the circuit in addition to the split. I usually do one or the other. As for doing legs on run days, it depends on how you feel. I try to do legs towards the end of the week because that way I have more recovery time, but I'm jogging up major hills so it depends on how sore you are. Just don't hurt yourself.

I'm on week 4 btw. I am working off road with hills. I'm using podrunner. Are you using a podcast?

Also, if you can run six miles already, do you really need the Couch to 5k program? A 5k is only about 3 miles.

Hi La Bonita,

When I was training for marathons I did the following workout:

Tu- running or other cardio
Th- running
S - short run
Su- long run

The following week I would start with PLB, ME, PUB and just change it aroung.
This really worked for me and had my best times.

Josie - did you have rest days or recovery weeks? Or were some of your runs easy enough you didn't feel you needed a rest?

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