Question About Rotations


Active Member
Hi! I've noticed several of you mentioning rotations. I am new to Cathe's videos, and have just started doing the 2 upper body PS videos. I don't really understand how a rotation works, or what its benefits are--could someone explain to me? Thanks!!
Hi. Here's my explanation of a rotation, anyone else out there feel free to chime in. Basically, rotations can serve a few purposes. One, they "mix things up", or in other words they work your muscles in a different way. Overtime, if you're doing the same workout your muscles begin to adapt and you dont start seeing the results you once did. Second, they add variety. I change my rotation about every 4-6 weeks, not only does variety make sticking to a workout schedule easier, but it takes the guesswork out of choosing what workout you're going to do that day. Also, it's fun planning rotations, in my opinion. I guess there's no "right" answer as far as how long to do a rotation, but from what I've seen posted the average is to change up every 4-6 weeks. This month, before I got the flu :( I was doing a PS rotation, last month I did more of a low weight/high rep rotation. There are alot of posts regarding rotations, but if you give us a list of the tapes you own and any other activites you enjoy ie. treadmill, and what your fitness goals are, there are plenty of us Cathe fans who can either direct you to an already posted rotation, or I myself, have tons of rotations I've saved from previous posts, plus a few I've made up myself. Hope this helps.

:) Stacy

P.S. Did you by that barbell yet?? ;)
Thanks so much! My goals are to increase my strength and see more cuts, and increase my cardio capacity/endurance. Right now, I am trying to run 3-4 times a week, do Kathy smith Functionally Fit Peak Fat Burning (I love this cardio tape although I am getting a bit tired of it), Pure Strength BBA and CST, and one of kathy Smith's lower body toning tapes. I also love spinning classes, but my gym changes the schedule of classes every month, so that is never dependable. I definitely want to keep a cardio tape in my weekly workouts other than running because I feel like I need the variety. I also feel like I can do a harder cardio workout than the KS tape. I have all the Kathy Smith tapes, Tae Bo, karen Voight Great Weighted Workeout, strong and smooth moves (I think this is what it is called, and I'm visiting my parents now or I would check), and her ab tape. I have the Firm ab and standing legs tapes (just ordered standing legs, so have not done it yet). I guess that about sums up my tapes and what I want. I have a gym membership, but when I want to go, between 4 & 6 PM, it is insanely busy. So, right now, I 'd really like to do a tape rotation. Oh, I'm not a huge fan of step (haven't done a lot, but when I did, it was not the best experience), so that is the only reason I do not have a Cathe Cardio tape, because I have been really impressed with the PS tapes. Any advice, thoughts, or information would be great!!! Oh, and I haven't bought a barbell yet, but it is definitely on the list! I am planning to go to Target to see how expensive they are. I am a grad student, and at this point in the year, I am feeling very poor!!
Thanks so much again!
There's a comprehensive explanation of rotations on the Video Fitness forum highlights dated 2/9/01. You'll find it at http:/ then go to the Readers Forum, & then to the forum highlights.

To develop a rotation (an exercise program), you evaluate your goals & current fitness level. Think about what's worked in the past. You'll get lots of help on this forum, once you've got an idea of where you want to go, your resources & what you like to do. Some rotations are looser than others. Many like to plan each tape while others can only do that for 3 days. Their rotations are based on type of workout - e.g. Tu, Th & Sa cardio w/ one interval workout. Your lifestyle & personality will dictate how detailed your rotation plans are.

You can gather lots of ideas for rotations by looking at the weekly check-in or doing a search for rotations.

Video Fitness has a forum dedicated to rotations. You can get more ideas & feedback there.

Have fun!

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