Question about protein


A co-worker of mine goes to a weight loss clinic. It is privately owned but on the same lines as LA Weight Loss. On her plan she is to eat something like 3 proteins, 2 fruits, 2 veggies and 2 starches per day. (I think that is what she told me, she has a list to choose from). Anyway, here is my question: how do eating pasta with beans create a protein? She was told to mix 1/4 cup of cooked pasta with 1/2 beans and it equals a protein (not 2 carbs as I thought it would). Is this true? And if so, what do you think the protein grams would be?
>I would think the beans have protein, no?

Yes, Wendy is right. Beans are an excellent source of protein - that is where I get the large majority of my protein, being a vegetarian. And pasta also contains a lot of protein (although it is still mostly carbs). They are probably trying to imply that by combining the protein from the pasta with the protein from the beans, it forms a complete protein in the body.
>Wouldn't it count as a starch too?

You sure would think so, wouldn't you? It's more starch than protein, that's for sure. This is why I am so wary of "diet centers"... their science isn't always very good. People get the most ridiculous advice from these places, and end up doing themselves more harm than good.
Hi Dana! If the pasta is quinoa then yes this meal would contain a lot of protein + fiber. Quinoa contains quite a bit of protein & fiber & of course the same goes for the beans. If however the pasta is made from white flour that's a bad choice & she needs to ditch it. HTH, Kathy:D
I went ot LA weightloss, and I can tell you how that works. It is part of the "CArb craver" menu. Once in a while you can have a higher carb meal and sub it as a protein. It is basically all about calories, but the calories are so low that they have to be a little filling or she would be starving on just the pasta. I hope that makes sense :)
Wow. That's amazing to me that beans and quiona would have 35 grams of protein, the equivalent of 4 oz chicken!
Hi Candi! This is a rice pasta which doesn't make you bloat like the white flour kind. You can also eat much less than the traditional pasta. It fills you up. I eat this dish once a week. It really does pack a whollop! HTH, Kathy:D
When I did body for life, beans counted as a carb. Also, cheese and milk were fats I think. Once you start analyzing grams of carb and protein, it gets confusing. Good thing I like meat, fish and chicken. Melissa

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